

Thursday, June 28, 2012

SUNDAY EDITION: "One News Now" Thursday June 28, 2012 Tammuz 8, 5772


Reax to ObamaCare ruling

Archived Perspectives

Michelle Malkin smallThe Obama White House can no more dissociate itself from Al Sharpton's bloody legacy than the race-hustling reverend can dissociate himself from his own poisonous tongue.

Thomas Sowell smallSince this is an election year, we can expect to words likefairracism,compassion, andgreedy -- but the meaning of those words is not always clear.

Dr. Karen Gushta smallOur nation's Founders understood the importance of religion and morality as the key supporting pillars for a new republic and a growing nation. For them, prayer was essential -- and it should be for us as well.

The fall of dictators and the Antichrist
Obama's religion (Part 2)

Budding narcissism? Nip it ... now!
Memory of punishment a part of growing up

Scientists accused of distorting theory of human evolution
Doggie DNA analysis

This is about manhood
Guidelines for giving

Independence Day
Grieving loss

movie ticket tinyHow should faith impact culture? And how far should one go to promote a righteous and just society? The movie For Greater Glory wrestles with those questions.

movieboard tinyThe Avengers is about a fundamentally moral battle. It evokes a truth through narrative fiction that we can experience in real life. Christians need to be unafraid to share about their own Avenger and Savior.


Individual mandate survives

poll vote button 2The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld virtually all of President Barack Obama's historic health care overhaul, including the hotly debated core requirement that nearly every American have health insurance.

House votes to hold attorney general in contempt

The House has approved a precedent-setting resolution to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress. It was the first time a sitting Cabinet member has been held in contempt.

Obama campaign has financial worries?

A recent e-mail from President Obama expresses fear of being outspent in the fall election. But one political strategist thinks both Obama and Mitt Romney will both set fundraising records before November.

Left-wing groups 'hang together' on same-sex unions

Pro-family spokesman Robert Knight says no one should be surprised that the National Council of La Raza would embrace same-sex "marriage."

Pentagon honors what used to be a military crime

A retired Army chaplain is very disappointed that the Pentagon has hosted its very first ever "gay pride" celebration. The celebration was held in the Pentagon auditorium on Tuesday.

Mayor plans to keep God in gov't

Despite legal threats from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Georgia mayor says he plans to continue to live out his faith publicly.

Romney has strict conditions for amnesty

Roy Beck of Numbers USA believes Mitt Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, is committed to a stronger enforcement of immigration laws before any amnesty is granted to illegal aliens.

A different take on SCOTUS immigration ruling

A Christian law professor and constitutional expert says the Obama administration was the clear winner followingMonday's Supreme Court decision dealing with Arizona's immigration law.

Local governments -- take note

California attorney Brad Dacus says the country's local governments should learn a lesson from an incident where officials of a Golden State city shut down a home Bible study.

Senator's 'public relations chess game'

A California attorney is warning about the deceptive nature of a proposed bill that would shield churches in that state from having to perform same-sex "marriage" ceremonies.

Optimistic Oklahomans

A national pro-life leader says with the recent primary defeat of a legislative opponent, the chances of passage for an Oklahoma personhood law will be much better in the next session of the legislature.

NRLC educating pro-lifers

The National Right to Life Committee's annual convention convenes today in Virginia as the organization aims to educate and motivate the country's pro-lifers.

Pro-lifers freed from loitering charges

The American Center for Law & Justice has brought justice to a group of New York City pro-life demonstrators.

Budding narcissism? Nip it ... now!

John Rosemend tinyThere's a big difference -- a BIG difference -- between sibling conflict and sibling bullying. And as parents, you need to deal with it aggressively.

Canadian preachers not out of the woods yet

A Canadian preacher is rejoicing that his television program is back on the air, but more so that free speech is being restored in his country.

Is GM playing a word game?

A conservative activist says GM's latest recall of the Chevy Cruze raises questions in comparison to the way the company has handled similar problems in other models.

Ohio considers ban on sex-selective abortions

Ohio lawmakers are considering a bill that would ban sex-selective abortions in their state.

The truth about being 'born gay'

A leading pro-family group has put together a fact page about alternate lifestyles as a tool to educate people that they are not "born gay."

Obamacare reactionObamacare reactionBoehner on ObamacareBoehner on ObamacareColorado destructionColorado destruction

Court tosses law about false claims on medals
Solar firm that got DOE loan to declare bankruptcy
Colorado wildfire destroys hundreds of homes
Nation bakes as serious heat wave hits early
Colleges move toward absolute bans on smoking

Mosque construction continues despite court ruling
6th Circuit panel sees no harm in funding sharia
Tampa another Dearborn?
Prediction: Egypt to be led by Muslim Brotherhood
'Gift' for Muslim couples = proper wife beatings?

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