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SUNDAY EDITION (4) "One News Now" "Canadian preachers not out of the woods" Thursday June 28, 2012 Tammuz 8, 5772

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Michael James Stone
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 Canadian preachers not out of the woods
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Canadian preachers not out of the woods yet
Bill Bumpas - OneNewsNow - 6/27/2012 4:00:00 AM
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A Canadian preacher is rejoicing that his television program is back on the air, but more so that free speech is being restored in his country.

Dr. Charles McVety of Word TV is president of Canada Christian College in Toronto. He tells OneNewsNow he was attacked for preaching against "the radical sex agenda of the elites" and was forced off the air in 2011. The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council first objected the preacher's criticism of curriculum in the country's schools that taught the existence of six genders -- not just male and female. But he is now celebrating a movement of freedom, as the government has removed the anti-free speech clause of the Canada Human Rights Act.

"There really is sort of a wave that says enough is enough," he accounts. "Free speech is a vital component of democracy, because if the government has unchecked power and you're not even allowed to voice opposition, then you lose your freedom."

But with the country's censor board still targeting preachers, McVety asserts that they are not out of the woods yet.

"So, we still have to fight this fight of being free to preach the gospel," he accounts. "And even if it's politically incorrect, we still must have the freedom to speak truth and to speak righteousness to a nation."

McVety's new program, The Canadian Times, airs Sunday nights on Vision TV.
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