

Friday, June 29, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Friday June 29, 2012 Tammuz 9, 5772

Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, is seen here speaking in front of the organization's logo.
(Photo: Exodus International)

Exodus International Rejects Reparative Therapy for Gays

By Jeff Schapiro

Exodus International President Alan Chambers addressed the crowd at the 37th annual Freedom Conference on Wednesday in order to share why the organization will no longer use reparative therapy to help those who struggle with same-sex attraction (SSA), and will use a model that focuses more on discipleship instead.

Obamacare: HHS Mandate Redefines Religion, Say Christian Legal Experts

By Alex Murashko

While much of the objection to the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold Obamacare on Thursday included talk about the loss of individual liberty, Christian and conservative legal groups point out that religious freedom is still in jeopardy as well.


Eric Holder

House Votes A.G. Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress

By Napp Nazworth

The House of Representatives voted 255-67 on Thursday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents related to the "Fast and Furious" investigation.

A Congresswoman helped a Texas teen, who is carrying a cross from his home state to Washington, D.C., get permits to display the giant cross in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.

Within minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court released its ruling upholding the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, Tea Party leaders were announcing an all-out effort to reinvigorate their troops to elect a president and Congress members who promise to repeal the controversial health care law

A prominent black church leader believes that the level of civil discourse in our country regarding politics and faith is at an "all-time low."

A Christian student at a Georgia university who was expelled from her school's counseling program for expressing her disagreement with homosexuality has lost a court case against the school.

Church & Ministries


Reformed Church Removes 'Conscience' Exemption for Women's Ordination

By Michael Gryboski

The General Synod of the Reformed Church in America has voted to remove a conscience-based exemption for individuals regarding the ordination of women.

Benny and Suzanne Hinn have confirmed more details about their upcoming remarriage, including date, place, and who will oversee the ceremony. Jack Hayford, a Pentecostal minister, will oversee the ceremony.

Two Protestant denominations, The Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), will be debating gay marriage issues in the upcoming week, and any decisions made may have far-reaching consequences.

Three years after stepping down as senior pastor of Without Walls International Church, Randy White returned last week to help restore and rebuild the Tampa, Fla., church.

The Reformed Church in America has opted to appoint a "new committee" to recommend a set of plans to deal with certain issues pertaining to the denomination's position on homosexuality.

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Obama Better Able to Handle Alien Invasion Than Romney?

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Singapore Megachurch Defends Pastor Kong Hee Against Charges of Misusing Funds

City Harvest Church, one of Singapore's largest churches, responded on Thursday to allegations that its pastor and other leaders misused $18 million in church funds. The church insisted that it was not cheated of millions of ...

Supreme Court 'Obamacare' Decision Full of Irony, Surprise

President Barack Obama argued emphatically, in ...

Muslims and Jews Slam German Court's Circumcision Ban as Discriminatory

A decision by a German court prohibiting doctors ...

Atheists Target Harassment, Aggressive Behavior Within Movement

American Atheists is putting in place a Code of Conduct in response to reports of harassment and inappropriate behavior at its conferences.

Global Charter of Conscience Urges Renewed Religious Freedom

Following months of headlines describing violent ...

Singapore Pastor Kong Hee Charged With Fraud, Facing Life in Prison

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PCUSA Considers Exemption for Same-Sex Benefits Expansion

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Pastors: Christianity Rejected, Deemed 'Evil' for Opposing Homosexuality

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Supreme Court Ruling on 'Obamacare' Reflects Teachings of Christ?

The Supreme Court's decision to uphold President ...


lolo jones

Lolo Jones Wants to Ask Tim Tebow on a Church Date?

By Jeff Schapiro

Track star Lolo Jones recently qualified for the U.S. Olympic team, but the headlines that followed her Monday night interview with Jay Leno were focused primarily on what many perceive to be her romantic compatibility with New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow.

The largest Christian music festival in the United States kicks off Wednesday in Mount Union, Pa., and features some of the biggest names in Christian music. The festival, running until June 30, includes four days of music, fellowship and teaching.

After Cedric the Entertainer's TV Land comedic series "The Soul Man" broke records during its world premiere last week, the show's veteran actor John Beasley opened up to The Christian Post about his journey of faith leading him to his role as a retired minister on the show.


Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate competing against Ahmed Shafiq in a runoff election to become Egypt's first elected president in 60 years, has allegedly said that the Coptic Christian population should

Egypt's President Morsi to Elect a Christian and a Woman as Vice Presidents

By Katherine Weber

Egypt's newly elected president, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, is vowing to elect a Christian and a woman as two vice presidents in an attempt to unify his government and people amid a period of uncertain turmoil.

Vietnamese officials in Muong Cha district, Dien Bien Province, destroyed two new church buildings of ethnic minority Hmong Christians this month and threatened to tear down a third.

A group of over 30 faith-based investment firms are teaming up to fight against human trafficking at this year's biggest sporting event in the world – the 2012 summer Olympic games in London.

Encouraged by the public outcry over the recent forced abortion of a 7-month pregnant woman in China, another woman has come out to share her horror story. Zhang Wen Fang was 9 months pregnant when she was forced to have an abortion.

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Bishop Noel Jones Alleged to Have Fathered 'X Factor' Star's Child

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The Future of Christians in Egypt: 'The Obstacle Is Fear'

As Egypt's torrential state of instability continues, the country's Christians continue to fear their fate in the North African country that they have called home since biblical times.

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Scottish Parliament Rejects Voting on Anti-Prostitution Bill

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Christ's Birthplace Suggested by Palestinians as World Heritage Site

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Tech & Biz

iphone 5 prototype

Best Prepaid Mobile Plans: How to Ditch the Contract and Save

By Brittney R. Villalva

Why should you stay on a contract plan with limited data and pay twice the price when you can get unlimited data for half that and no contract? Many are reconsidering the idea.

It's called the "anti-cheating ring." Made of titanium, the wedding band is designed to prevent adultery.

Anyone wanting to run Android applications on a Mac can do so by acquiring Bluestacks, a tool that recently launched for PC and Apple computers.

The Nabisco company, a subsidiary of Kraft Foods, has drawn up a large controversy after posting a picture of a rainbow Oreo on Facebook in support of gay pride.

Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter

By Jerry Newcombe

My first reaction to the Obamacare decision was: Well, it was a great country while it lasted. My second reaction to the Obamacare decision is to re-remember just how important elections are.


When Fire Forces You From Home

By Jim Daly


If you had only a few minutes to gather up a few select treasures of your life before fleeing a raging inferno, what would you take - and what would you leave behind?


Will NAE's Code of Ethics For Pastors Become Professional Standard?

By Alex Murashko

Max Lucado NRB

Prominent Christian leaders continue to sign and endorse a "Code of Ethics for Pastors" document created by a National Association of Evangelicals taskforce and released just two weeks ago. But others wonder why the Bible – already serving as a standard – isn't enough.


It Can Happen Here: Religious Freedom Threatened

By Eric Metaxas


C'mon, is so-called gay "marriage" really a threat to religious freedom? Seriously? Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex "marriage." "How does our marriage hurt you?" they ask.


Dating Your Wife?

By Tullian Tchividjian


A religious approach to marriage is the idea that if we work hard enough at something, we can earn the acceptance, approval, and life we think we deserve because of our obedient performance.


Is Political Science Worthy of Government Funding?

By Napp Nazworth

A debate among political scientists erupted this week over a New York Times op-ed by Dr. Jacqueline Stevens arguing that, "Political Scientists are Lousy Forecasters." The debate comes amid efforts in Congress to not allow political science research to compete for National Science Foundation grants.


When Mature Believers Disagree on Secondary Doctrines

By Dan Delzell


While all born again people agree on the Gospel....and the doctrine of the Trinity....and the doctrine of Christ's two natures....we are not in full agreement on many secondary doctrines. This isn't necessarily a problem in and of itself. Unfortunately, we sometimes take it a step further and attempt to push our "pet doctrines" upon one another.


The Bigfoot of the Bible (aka 'The Sinner's Prayer')

By Greg Stier

praying hands

The Sinner's Prayer is the Bigfoot of the Bible, talked about a lot, but nowhere to be found. This yakking Yeti doesn't even leave a fake footprint. Saying a prayer is not believing in Christ, believing in Christ is believing in Christ.


Three Missionary Wives: The Martyr, the Heroine, the Forgotten

By Marvin J. Newell

ann judson

Although five young men were commissioned as missionaries on February 6, 1812, considerable interest was concentrated on the three young wives who were so publicly expanding expectations of the role and capabilities of women in missions.


Lethal Foresight: Deciding Who Gets to Be Born

By Eric Metaxas

most popular baby boy names

Expecting parents may soon be able to find out the complete genetic makeup of their baby in utero. But should they?


Fred Luter: The Extraordinary Man Behind the Office

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

Is he the Convention's first African-American president and thus a historic figure? Yes. But he is also a great Christian, pastor, preacher, husband, father, and friend that I have had the privilege of knowing for more than two decades.


Beginning of North American Mission: What Happened to the Others Who Sailed?

By Marvin J. Newell

missionary timeline

Two couples and two single men left along with Adoniram and Ann Judson in February of 1812. The eight were sent out by the newly organized American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Here is what happened to the others who sailed to India (on two different ships) that month.


Preach the Gospel, and Since It's Necessary, Use Words

By Ed Stetzer

ed stetzer

There's a popular saying often repeated by Christians. It has found new life on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you have even uttered these words, commonly at tributed to Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel. Use words if necessary." There are two basic problems with this quote.


Lessons From the Streets of Haiti

By Paul Mator

Haiti orphans

As a writer, my job is to show my organization's American Christian donors how their money is turning the third world into a better world. There's no question their generosity has impacted lives. But what struck me during my recent trip to Haiti was how the reality has fallen short of expectations.


Toward Denominational Unity

By Kevin DeYoung


If there is one biblical theme we've heard a lot of in the RCA (Reformed Church in America) for the past 15 years it's the theme of unity. So what events would have to take place and what problems would have to be addressed for the RCA to experience genuine, vibrant, Christ-pleasing, Spirit-filled, God-glorifying unity?


Why We Must Celebrate Grace

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

We must keep in view that we are not just instruments but also recipients of daily grace and will never outgrow our need of what grace alone is able to provide. We must remind ourselves that because of that grace, obedience is a privilege, worship is a privilege, sacrifice is a privilege, and ministry is a privilege.


Will America See Another Great Awakening?

By Duke Taber

It is my realization, and now the realization of the people who attend my church, the we also have lost the grace and mercy of God in our nation, communities and our families. I believe that this is the reason we do not see people being saved very often, healing happen, and very few signs and wonders.


Subsidizing Abortion in Connecticut

By Ken Connor

Spain Abortion Rally

One would think that "open-minded" Connecticut liberals would appreciate and respect the personal beliefs of their fellow citizens when it comes to the highly controversial issue of abortion, but this is clearly not the case.


The Apocalyptic Life in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

By Marc Newman

You wake up one morning and discover that the only safeguard standing between you and impending death has been obliterated. Death is coming. It is relentless and swift. You have three weeks remaining. Suddenly, years lose their meaning. Every second counts. How will you spend them?


Entertainment Bibles

By Christian Post Guest Voices


But if I have any real objection, it is less with The Voice itself and more with the entire category of what I call “entertainment Bibles,” every one of which was supposed to rock our Christian world.


Inside Egypt: As World Awaits Presidential Election Results, Christians Urged 'Don't Leave!'

By Brian C Stiller

Egypt Elections

Over the last few days, I've been talking to Christian leaders here in Cairo, and asking them who would make the best president: Mohammed Morsi, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood, or Mubarak-era Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.


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