

Sunday, July 1, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST (USA): Sunday July 1, 2012 Tammuz 11, 5772

New Image
(Photo: New Image)

LA's Largest Emergency Homeless Shelter Seeks Funds to Survive

By Alex Murashko

The largest emergency overnight shelter for the homeless in Los Angeles, housing up to 600 people per night, is struggling to survive because of cuts in federal funding and an increased number of poor in a downturned economy, said the shelter's president.

Eastern US Storms Kill a Dozen, Leave Millions Powerless

By Anugrah Kumar

A heat wave in the eastern U.S. was expected to continue on Sunday after violent storms killed at least 12 people and left over 3 million without power. Emergencies were declared in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, the District of Columbia and Virginia.


White House

What Are the Salaries of White House Employees?

By Napp Nazworth

The White House released Friday its annual report listing the salaries of all 468 of its employees. Total payroll is up about $700,000 and it has added 14 more employees since last year's report.

The Alliance Defense Fund won on Friday a permanent injunction in the 17-year legal battle involving the Bronx Household of Faith and the NYC Board of Education. Religious groups will now be allowed to meet freely for worship services in public school facilities.

A secularist organization has launched a billboard campaign to encourage Catholics to "Quit the Church" due to the Roman Catholic Church's stance on the contraception mandate.

Relocating his family and business to scenic Colorado Springs, Colo., a place where several of his ministry partners were already headquartered, was something Scott Evans, president of a large-scale church marketing and publishing organization, said he felt led by God to do nearly two years ago.

First lady Michelle Obama told those gathered at the annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church in Nashville, Tenn., on Thursday that what Christians do in the quieter moments of their lives is more important than just showing up for Sunday services once a week.

Church & Ministries

Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, is seen here speaking in front of the organization's logo.

Exodus International Rejects Reparative Therapy for Gays

By Jeff Schapiro

Exodus International President Alan Chambers addressed the crowd at the 37th annual Freedom Conference on Wednesday in order to share why the organization will no longer use reparative therapy to help those who struggle with same-sex attraction (SSA), and will use a model that focuses more on discipleship instead.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will vote on two highly contentious issues at its General Assembly beginning Saturday with some presbyteries proposing reversal of the right to ordain openly gay and lesbian clergy and some seeking a change to the definition marriage.

The General Synod of the Reformed Church in America has voted to remove a conscience-based exemption for individuals regarding the ordination of women.

Benny and Suzanne Hinn have confirmed more details about their upcoming remarriage, including date, place, and who will oversee the ceremony. Jack Hayford, a Pentecostal minister, will oversee the ceremony.

More News

Morsi Sworn In as Egypt's First Islamist President Amid Concerns

Leader of Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and ...

Mormons Resign En Masse in Public

About 150 Mormons participated in a mass resignation ceremony and signed a "Declaration of Independence from Mormonism" in Utah, the state where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is based, on Saturday.

Bethlehem's Nativity Church Gets 'World Heritage' Status

The ancient Church of the Nativity in the ...

The Obamacare Decision: Those Darn Spots and the Non-Leopard

"Only if you agree to first allow an inspection ...

Largest Ever Dead Sea Scroll Collection to Be Unveiled at Texas Seminary

Visitors at the Southwestern Baptist Theological ...

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Aids Victims in Colo., NM Wildfires

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team has deployed ...

Justice Dept. Refuses to Prosecute A.G. Eric Holder

The Justice Department said Friday it will not ...

Israel's 'Miss Holocaust Survivor' Pageant Tasteless or Toast to Life?

The "Miss Holocaust Survivor" pageant recently ...

Air Force Sex Scandal Probe Reveals 31 Victims at Texas Base

The U.S. Air Force announced Thursday that 31 ...

Poll: Most Americans Support 'Obamacare;' Christians Remain Divided

A recent poll by the Public Religion Research ...


Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao Open to Visiting 'Brother in Christ' Floyd Mayweather in Jail

By Christine Thomasos

Manny Pacquiao may be considered a rival of fellow boxer Floyd Mayweather after years of public feuding over a fight that has yet to be scheduled, but the Filipino Christian congressman recently spoke about visiting his fellow pugilist in jail.

Mark Jackson, Golden State Warriors head coach who serves as the full time pastor of True Love Worship Center International in Van Nuys, Calif., has recently made headlines for being the victim of an extortion plot stemming from an extramarital affair.

As a means to recognize faith-based and family-friendly films, the first Resonate Film Festival has been announced on Wednesday.


A supporter of the proposed lower Manhattan Muslim cultural center and mosque holds a sign in front of the proposed site in New York City on Aug. 19, 2010 file photo.

Global Charter of Conscience Urges Renewed Religious Freedom

By Ginny Mooney

Following months of headlines describing violent religious persecution in nations like Nigeria and India, as well as increased concerns about the fate of minorities under Egypt's newly elected Muslim Brotherhood president, a new declaration is calling for greater religious freedom globally.

In a brazen move, radical religious leaders of the Indigenous People Forum are set to introduce in Manipur, India new Freedom of Religion legislation, also known as the anti-conversion law.

A decision by a German court prohibiting doctors from performing circumcisions based on religious reasons is being protested by Jews and Muslims who say the ruling is a violation of their liberties, as circumcision is held by both groups as a religious rite.

Egypt's newly elected president, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, is vowing to elect a Christian and a woman as two vice presidents in an attempt to unify his government and people amid a period of uncertain turmoil.

Tech & Biz

HTC One X (AT&T)

HTC One X Hands-On Review

By Vincent Funaro

HTC launched the highly anticipated One X smartphone earlier this year and the device went on to debut on AT&T in the U.S. The carrier allowed The Christian Post to spend some time with the handset and we'll give you the low down on HTC's first official high-powered Ice Cream Sandwich device and tell you if it's worth buying or upgrading to.

The president of a social enterprise that is designed to provide a win-win scenario for corporations and charities in North America says his experience in the church has given him the motivation to succeed.

Scientists searching for the so far elusive Higgs Boson particle, also referred to as the "god particle" by some researchers, are gearing up for what could be an historic moment next week when new test results are released.

Anyone wanting to run Android applications on a Mac can do so by acquiring Bluestacks, a tool that recently launched for PC and Apple computers.

Kill Your Sin Before It Kills You

By Dan Delzell

Two summers ago in our community, a 34-year-old man was strangled by his pet boa constrictor. It took place in his home as he was showing off the snake to a friend. Cory Byrne died in a local hospital just hours after police officers and paramedics pried the 9-foot snake from his neck.


Spiritual Abuse: Shepherds – or Fleecers – of God's Flock?

By June Hunt

June Hunt

"Will you continue to stand by and let your church drown financially?" So began an ad for "Financial Empowerment Seminars." The target audience: church members wanting to invest profitably, while also benefitting their churches and communities. The seminars were led by a man who now faces federal prosecution by the SEC for defrauding investors of more than $11 million in a Ponzi scheme.


A Conversation with Emily Colson: Father's Legacy, Son's Autism, and the Power of Redemption

By Ruth Malhotra

Emily colson

Committed to carrying on her father's legacy, Emily spoke candidly to us about the lessons she has learned along the way. "Above all, my dad taught me the power of Jesus Christ to change a life," she said.


David Platt Still Addressing Controversy Over 'Sinner's Prayer' Remarks

By Lillian Kwon

david platt

It was a three-minute video clip that was shared across the evangelical community. In it, Pastor David Platt famously called the "sinner's prayer" "superstitious." A few months later, he still finds himself explaining the heart behind that message.


Reverse Missions: Back to the Catacombs (Part 3)

By Wallace Henley

wallace henley

The weary old building reeked with death. Spiritual demise had occurred long ago at the hands of theologies that strangled biblical truth.


Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter

By Jerry Newcombe

health care supreme court

My first reaction to the Obamacare decision was: Well, it was a great country while it lasted. My second reaction to the Obamacare decision is to re-remember just how important elections are.


When Fire Forces You From Home

By Jim Daly


If you had only a few minutes to gather up a few select treasures of your life before fleeing a raging inferno, what would you take - and what would you leave behind?


What Happened at the RCA General Synod?

By Kevin DeYoung


The short answer is: a lot. It was an exhausting week, one from which I still have not recovered. I'm glad I don't have to go back for five years.


Will NAE's Code of Ethics For Pastors Become Professional Standard?

By Alex Murashko

Max Lucado NRB

Prominent Christian leaders continue to sign and endorse a "Code of Ethics for Pastors" document created by a National Association of Evangelicals taskforce and released just two weeks ago. But others wonder why the Bible – already serving as a standard – isn't enough.


The Tragedy of the Dumb Church

By Robin Schumacher

The fact is some in this particular demographic leave the Church because they get talked out of a faith that they were never sure of in the first place. The storyline is sadly familiar.


It Can Happen Here: Religious Freedom Threatened

By Eric Metaxas


C'mon, is so-called gay "marriage" really a threat to religious freedom? Seriously? Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex "marriage." "How does our marriage hurt you?" they ask.


Dating Your Wife?

By Tullian Tchividjian


A religious approach to marriage is the idea that if we work hard enough at something, we can earn the acceptance, approval, and life we think we deserve because of our obedient performance.


Is Political Science Worthy of Government Funding?

By Napp Nazworth

A debate among political scientists erupted this week over a New York Times op-ed by Dr. Jacqueline Stevens arguing that, "Political Scientists are Lousy Forecasters." The debate comes amid efforts in Congress to not allow political science research to compete for National Science Foundation grants.


When Mature Believers Disagree on Secondary Doctrines

By Dan Delzell


While all born again people agree on the Gospel....and the doctrine of the Trinity....and the doctrine of Christ's two natures....we are not in full agreement on many secondary doctrines. This isn't necessarily a problem in and of itself. Unfortunately, we sometimes take it a step further and attempt to push our "pet doctrines" upon one another.


The Bigfoot of the Bible (aka 'The Sinner's Prayer')

By Greg Stier

praying hands

The Sinner's Prayer is the Bigfoot of the Bible, talked about a lot, but nowhere to be found. This yakking Yeti doesn't even leave a fake footprint. Saying a prayer is not believing in Christ, believing in Christ is believing in Christ.


Three Missionary Wives: The Martyr, the Heroine, the Forgotten

By Marvin J. Newell

ann judson

Although five young men were commissioned as missionaries on February 6, 1812, considerable interest was concentrated on the three young wives who were so publicly expanding expectations of the role and capabilities of women in missions.


The Mormonizing of America (EXCERPT, PT 2)

By Book Stop

The presidential race of Mitt Romney and the success of the Broadway musical The Book of Mormon have generated new interest in Mormonism. Stephen Mansfield's book The Mormonizing of America provides a careful study of this growing religion. The Book Stop blog is posting excerpts from the first two chapters of this book.


Fred Luter: The Extraordinary Man Behind the Office

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

Is he the Convention's first African-American president and thus a historic figure? Yes. But he is also a great Christian, pastor, preacher, husband, father, and friend that I have had the privilege of knowing for more than two decades.


United: Hamas and the White House

By Michael Youssef


We don't often think of Hamas and the US Government as having anything in common. But in recent days, the terrorist organization and the White House have shared a common perspective: an enthusiastic support for the result of the Egyptian presidential election.


Beginning of North American Mission: What Happened to the Others Who Sailed?

By Marvin J. Newell

missionary timeline

Two couples and two single men left along with Adoniram and Ann Judson in February of 1812. The eight were sent out by the newly organized American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Here is what happened to the others who sailed to India (on two different ships) that month.


Preach the Gospel, and Since It's Necessary, Use Words

By Ed Stetzer

ed stetzer

There's a popular saying often repeated by Christians. It has found new life on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you have even uttered these words, commonly at tributed to Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel. Use words if necessary." There are two basic problems with this quote.


Lessons From the Streets of Haiti

By Paul Mator

Haiti orphans

As a writer, my job is to show my organization's American Christian donors how their money is turning the third world into a better world. There's no question their generosity has impacted lives. But what struck me during my recent trip to Haiti was how the reality has fallen short of expectations.


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