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End Times ::END TIMES NEWS (Featured) :: 29 Jul 12

"Last Generation Forums" :: End Times ::END TIMES NEWS (Featured) :: 29 Jul 12
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  AuthorTopic: 29 Jul 12 (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 29 Jul 12
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29 Jul 12

No let-up in Aleppo battle as Syria vows to crush rebels
Shelling and gunfire have again shaken Aleppo as Syrian government forces battle rebels for control of the country's largest city. A BBC correspondent who is just outside Aleppo says heavy fighting is reported in the city centre near the old fort but this cannot be verified. Syria's foreign minister said on Sunday that the rebels would be defeated.

Floods in North Korea 'killed 88 people in July'
Flooding in North Korea has killed 88 people and injured 134 others in the past ten days, state-run KCNA news agency said. Typhoons and torrential rain have damaged 5,000 homes and left more than 60,000 people homeless. South Pyongyang province suffered the biggest lost of life. More than 30,00 hectares of land have been submerged. 

Aide: Romney backs Israel if needs to strike Iran
US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would back Israel if it were to decide it had to use military force to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, a senior aide said on Sunday. 

Markets risk ECB disappointment after Draghi remarks
Financial markets will be waiting with bated breath to see if the European Central Bank announces any new policy moves next week, but analysts warned they could be disappointed. ECB chief Mario Draghi sent stock markets soaring and helped bring down Spanish borrowing costs sharply last week when he said the central bank was "ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me it will be enough." 

To upstage Romney, Obama signs enhanced US-Israel defense bill
The U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act will be signed Friday on the eve of Republican rival Mitt Romney's visit to Israel • U.S. also announces readiness of largest ever bunker busting missile and agreement with Lockheed Martin for new Israeli version of the F-35 stealth fighter jets.

Tisha B'Av: Temple Mount closed to Jews
Jerusalem Police on Sunday closed the Temple Mount compound to Jewish worshippers following intelligence indicating intents to hold riots on the day Jews mark the Tisha B'Av fast. Police will consider reopening the compound as events unfold. No suspects have been arrested as of yet. 

Obama aide tells Israel of Iran attack plan: paper
President Barack Obama's national security adviser has briefed Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a U.S. contingency plan to attack Iran should diplomacy fail to curb its nuclear program, an Israeli newspaper reported on Sunday. The Haaretz newspaper said that the U.S. adviser - Thomas Donilon - had described the plan in talks with Netanyahu earlier this month. 

US Air Force: Bunker buster ready for use
Air Force Secretary Donley tells Capitol Hill Club bombs designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers that protect nuclear weapons are ready for use 'if needed.' Pentagon officials: Bombs tailor-made to disable Iranian nuclear facilities at Fordo 

Stand with Chick-fil-A in Support of Traditional Marriage
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has called for a National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day on Wednesday, August 1, to demonstrate support for the company. I would like to join with him, and ask that, if you live near one of their restaurants please drop by and let them know how much you appreciate them and their stand. 

Afghan truckers a forgotten front in a war growing deadlier by the day
In the cabins of their "jingle" trucks flamboyant with tinsel baubles and painted tiger patterns as they move NATO's war supplies, Habibullah thinks he and other drivers are becoming a forgotten front in an Afghan war growing more vicious.
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