

Sunday, May 27, 2012

SUNDAY EDITION 1-5: (4) "One News Now" WEEK-IN-REVIEW Sunday May 27, 2012 Sivan 6, 5772

More pro-lifers

Archived Perspectives

Dr. Michael Brown smallYou can't compare skin color and behavior -- and skin color is innate and immutable; sexual orientation is not. And those are just two reasons.

Robert Knight smallKansas is taking the lead in cleaning up registration rolls so that people won't vote after they've died -- alarming news to cities like Chicago where the dead vote early and often.

Star Parker smallIt's time for black Americans to decide if they want their country to reflect the values of Sunday blacks -- or those of Tuesday blacks.

Gay marriage: Culture war or ambush?
Feeling sorry for the president

Don't confuse me with facts
Destructive propaganda on parenting

Jewish shrines for David
Ancestral tree's branches proliferate

Moving in with mom
My food, my roof ...

Independence Day
Grieving loss

movieboard tinyThe Avengers is about a fundamentally moral battle. It evokes a truth through narrative fiction that we can experience in real life. Christians need to be unafraid to share about their own Avenger and Savior.

Israeli flag tinyA Presbyterian leader, through years of study and prayer, has developed a deep theological understanding of -- as well as a deep love for -- the People of the Book.


Gay marriage polls...something doesn't add up

There's a great deal of skepticism among conservatives over recent polling which seems to indicate more Americans approve of gay marriage.

Churches raising money to fight 'gay marriage'

Scores of Maine churches will pass the collection plate a second time at Sunday services on Father's Day to kick off a fundraising campaign for the lead opposition group to November's ballot question asking voters to legalize same-sex "marriages."

Teens charged in slaying of elderly church guard

Two Detroit teenagers have been arraigned on second-degree murder charges in the slaying of an 84-year-old security guard, who was shot in the parking lot of a church while a Bible study was taking place inside.

Christian Jordanian woman sues her Muslim employer

A Christian Jordanian woman said Sunday she is suing her Gulf Arab employer for arbitrary dismissal after she refused a new dress code forcing her to cover her head.

'Growing up Ziglar' - Zig's daughter tells her side

Julie Ziglar Norman, the daughter of Zig Ziglar, has written a book about her family and her climb out of a destructive lifestyle.

Recent poll results (May 21-25, 2012)

See the results from our poll questions last week.

Attorney: Same-sex divorce is 'legal fiction'

Granting homosexual divorces may be an additional step toward court ordered legalization of homosexual "marriage" in Maryland.

State NAACP leader can't back 'gay marriage'

The president of the Iowa and Nebraska conference of NAACP branches says he's struggling with the group's national board resolution to support same-sex "marriage." 

Abortion waiting period could be first in the country

Utah has implemented the nation's first law requiring a 72-hour waiting period before an abortion is performed.

Drug maker stands by support of Obama health plan

A conservative think tank and public policy institute says a well-known drug maker is "tripling down on liberalism."

The week's top stories (May 21-25, 2012)

See which stories were most popular on our website over the last week.

More truth + more technology = more pro-lifers

poll vote button 2A new Gallup poll shows more and more Americans identifying as pro-life -- something advocates for life say is worth celebrating.

Christian school better for 'personal lifestyle statement'

Dozens of faculty and staff at a Georgia Christian university are resigning in opposition to a personal lifestyle statement they were asked to uphold. But the school is showing no signs of backing down.

Communist Castro says she would vote for Obama

The daughter of Cuban dictator Raul Castro has told an audience in San Francisco that she would vote for Barack Obama if she lived in this country.

Target's promise to 'gay' community

A pro-family organization is drawing attention to Target for donating its sales in support of "gay marriage" laws.

Healthcare fines vs. coverage

Employers dropping their coverage and putting consumers in healthcare exchanges has been one of the longest-running arguments about ObamaCare. But one doctor says it's all part of the administration's plan.

2-horse race for Romney's VP

At this point, a conservative political scientist and presidential election analyst believes it's shaping up to be a two-horse race for Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running mate.

Violence escalatesViolence escalatesHunting for oilHunting for oilDramatic rescueDramatic rescue

Syria denies it was behind attack that killed 90
Beryl threatens rain, winds on southeast US coast
Cheaper gas spurs more travelers this Memorial Day
New Mexico fire grows, forces evacuation
Final voyage: USS Iowa on way to S. Calif. home

Tampa another Dearborn?
Prediction: Egypt to be led by Muslim Brotherhood
'Gift' for Muslim couples = proper wife beatings?
9-11 was the rule, not the exception
States must choose -- sharia or Constitution?

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