

Thursday, May 31, 2012

PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE 11-15:(14) " Prophecy Depot" [Bill Salus] Thursday May 31 2012 Sivan 10 5772

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Revelation Road, Hope Beyond The Horizon

Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon
You are invited on a one-of-a-kind reading experience. Enjoy a novel and biblical commentary at the same time. This unique book is designed with appeal for both fiction and non-fiction audiences.

George Thompson believes his grandson Tyler lives in the final generation. Lovingly, he prepares the lad for the treacherous road ahead. All young Tyler wanted was a chance to join his sister at Eastside Middle School in the fall, but the Arab Spring led to an apocalyptic summer disrupting his plans. Middle East wars and nuclear terror in America quickly turned his world upside down.

Join the Thompson's on their journey through the Bible prophecies of the end times, and discover how their gripping story uncovers the silver lining of hope against the backdrop of global gloom and doom. The commentary section explains how their story could soon become your reality!

Watch the Revelation Road, Hope Beyond The Horizon video trailer Prophecy Update Radio: Revealing Revelation Road from Cover-to-Cover Read Reviews of Revelation Road; Hope Beyond the Horizon 


Latest Articles

Israel – Miracle or UN Moral Obligation? 
on Monday, May 21, 2012 by 

Recently I was asked by my friend Dr. David Reagan, “What do you consider to be the single most important sign of the times, and why?” My response was that the super-sign of the end times is the existence of the nation of Israel, and this was pointed out by Christ in Matthew 24:32-34 in [...]

New Bestseller Book Reveals Multi-pronged Terror Against America 
on Thursday, May 3, 2012 by 

At the end of April, 2012 a senior state department official told the National Journal that “the War on Terror is over. Now that we have killed most of al-Qaeda, now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al-Qaeda see an opportunity for a legitimate [...]

The Bride of Christ and the Jewish Wedding Models 
on Saturday, April 28, 2012 by 

WILL THE BRIDE OF CHRIST BE TORMENTED IN THE TRIBULATION PERIOD? The Bridegroom (Christ) and bride (Christian church) analogy given several times in the New Testament, infers believers escape the wrath of the seven-year tribulation period. It is doubtful that Christ would come for a bride that has been battered, bruised, and tarnished from seven [...]



Latest Radio Broadcasts

New Website Proves These Are The Last Days! 
on Monday, May 21, 2012 by 

BEHOLD BUT BEWARE! A new Christian website evidences beyond a shadow of a doubt that humankind has been plunged past the point of no return into the perilous last days! Presently, there are no shortages of websites that predict that the end of the world draws near, but there is one that rises above the [...]

What Follows the Passing of the Arab Guard? 
on Sunday, May 6, 2012 by 

Except for Muammar Gaddafi, all of the Arab rulers that were deposed or assassinated during the “Arab Advantage” of 2011 were post Arab – Israeli wars leaders. Each of them attained their power after the 1948, 1967, and 1973 Middle East wars. Concerning Gaddafi, he seized power over Libya in a bloodless military coup in [...]

Is Your Pastor Preaching Prophecy? 
on Saturday, May 5, 2012 by 

Is your pastor preparing you for the end times? Are you prepared for an electro-magnetic-pulse (EMP) to shut down America’s political and societal functions? What will you do when gas prices skyrocket, and ATM machines shut down? Watch and Listen to Bill Salus on the Hagmann and Hagmann report. This interview conducted via Skype enables [...]



Isralestine; The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East

ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East
Set to explode in the near future, is a devastating war in the Middle East. The Jews will fight off Arab aggression and end terrorism once and for all! ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, boldly unveils significant Bible prophecy that has eluded the discernment of today's great scholars.

Once upon a foretold time the Jewish people were to meet with a holocaust type condition, out from which they would return back to their ancient homeland of Israel. They would begin as refugees, but promptly emerge into an exceedingly great army. As per Psalm 83, destiny's design for this great army is a head to head confrontation with a formidable Arab confederacy consisting of Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, and Egyptians. Isralestine is the only book its kind that explores all aspects of the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli War prophecy.

 Watch the ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East video trailer Read Amazon Customer Reviews of ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East 


Featured Articles

New Revelation “Greater Israel” on the Road Ahead! 
on Thursday, May 24, 2012 by 

The international community is pressing Israel to forfeit HUGE CHUNKS OF PROMISED LAND, but author Bill Salus believes that ISRAEL IS GOING TO GROW, rather than shrink in the near future. “A GREATER, SAFER, MORE PROSPEROUS JEWISH STATE IS COMING SOON,” he proclaims on this fascinating one-hour radio program with host Dr. Bill Deagle. CLICK [...]

ISRAEL’S HOUSE UNITING? Surprise Coalition May Give Green Light To Attack Iran 
on Thursday, May 17, 2012 by 

Imagine a scenario in which a Republican president formed a unity government with the Democrats, with one being president and the other being vice president. Imagine a Congress where the two parties aligned for a purpose much more important than domestic politics. Something similar to that has happened in Israel and Bill Salus sees it [...]

Is Egypt and Syria too Weak to War with Israel? 
on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 by 

Nationally syndicated radio host Bill Cunningham interviews Bill Salus and asks if Israel is going to war with Iran and its neighbors soon, and how would that affect America? Bill Cunningham, or “Willy” as he is known on his show, asks if the turmoil in Egypt and Syria means that Israel is safe from attack [...]




Upcoming Events

Teaching “Understanding the Times” Calvary Chapel San Jacinto

December 16, 2012 Teaching “Understanding the Times” Calvary Chapel San Jacinto, CA 5:00 PST – Click here for more information.

Teaching “Understanding the Times” Calvary Chapel San Jacinto

October 7, 2012 Teaching “Understanding the Times” Calvary Chapel San Jacinto, CA 5:00 PST – Click here for more information.

Teaching at Calvary Chapel Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

September 8-9, 2012 – Teaching at Calvary Chapel Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania – Click here for more information.



Q & A

PSALM 83 – Has It Found Final Fulfillment? 
on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by 

Currently many Bible prophecy experts are discussing the Psalm 83 petition formatted prophecy written by the seer Asaph approximately 3000 years ago. This prophecy enlists a ten-member population whose goal is nothing short of wiping Israel off of the map. These ancient populations are identified by their modern-day equivalents on the map, and their confederate [...]



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