

Saturday, April 28, 2012

PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE: (3) "Rapture Ready" Saturday April 28 2012 Iyyar 6, 5772

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His Mercies Are New Every Morning

This Week’s Feature Article by Jack Kelley

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

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Why Did God Do That?

Last Week’s Feature Article by Jack Kelley

I get a lot of questions about the relationship between God and Satan. Most of them are from people who want to know how God can tolerate Satan in His presence, and as far as I can tell the Bible offers no explanation for this. All we know is that Satan regularly comes before the Lord to accuse us and will continue to do so until he’s finally expelled from Heaven at the beginning of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 12:10-11).

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Sins Or Faults? Does It Matter?

Q.  I have recently had some problems with two brothers who think we should confess our sins to each other according to James 5:16 whereas I believe we confess only to God because only God can forgive sins! The KJV states faults whereas the majority if not all other versions of the bible state sins in the verse in James.  What is the answer? Does it matter?

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Married In The Eyes Of The Lord

Q.  If a man and woman are married by civil law and are divorced, and neither ever remarry, and they start dating and decide to live together, are they married in God’s eyes?  And if a man and woman who have never been married by civil law, but they live together till one of them dies, are they living and dying in sin?

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The Focus Of The 144,000

Q.  My question is will the 144000 Jewish evangelists be preaching throughout the world or will they be confined to Jerusalem?

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Will God Forgive Them?

Q.  My children refuse to forgive me for something terrible I did many years ago.  I do not want their failure to forgive me held against them.  If I ask the Lord not to hold that sin against them, as He did on the cross, will God not hold it against them?

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Carnal Christians

Q.  Why do I hear about ‘carnal’ Christians when Romans 8:6 says ‘the carnal mind is enmity against God’? I understand what a ‘nominal’ Christian is, but what is a carnal Christian (if there is such a thing)?  Also, do you believe that only people who have given up every part of their will to Christ is a saved person, or do you think there are saved people trying to hang on to some old habit or way of life?

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Reading The Bible

Q.  I heard a man on radio this morning say that God does not hear or answer prayers of those who don’t read their Bible.  He continued by saying why should God answer them if we can’t be bothered to read His Word.  Do you agree with his statements?

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1260 Days, 1290 Days, And 1335 Days

Q.  I have a few questions about Daniel 12. The one prophecy that seems to create more confusion than clarity among our group is the 75 day period between the end of the great tribulation to the 1335th day.   As you know 1260 days equals 42 months or 3-1/2 years, the last time period on the great tribulation. From Daniel 12:11-12 there seems to be 30 days missing. 1290-1260 = 30 days. Then there’s a 45 day period between the end of the 1290 days to the 1335 days.  Can you help us understand this?

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