

Saturday, April 28, 2012

PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE: (15) "The Ignorant Fisherman" Saturday April 28 2012 Iyyar 6, 5772


The False Prophets and Teachers of the Right

How can any conservative American be optimistic today when we look back on the last three and a half years? Americans - in general - in this land OUT RIGHT reject moral absolutes and sound social conservatism. This immoral attitude has made its in roads into the present conservative movement of today. It is only on this bedrock (the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God - conservative moral absolutes) that a healthy society can exist in this fallen world(Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:34, Rom 1:18-32). Our Founding Fathers knew all too well what the horrific consequences would be when moral absolutes were despised and rejected by the American people. These men of sound wisdom and keen perception knew and warned that tyrannical despotism, oppression and lawlessness would abound and the "great experiment" would come to a tragic end. When America's restraining power on the tyrants, despots and lawlessness of the world is gone, what then? (SEE CHART) (Rev. 6-19)

Our Founding Fathers knew all too well what the horrific consequences would be when moral absolutes were despised and rejected by the American people.
My Friends, beware of the Rush Limbaugh types who seek to motivate and encourage true Americans by preaching a subtle godless optimistic vision of America’s future, while America is on the very brink of absolute fiscal and moral collapse. He told us that he would, "let us know when to panic" but sadly Rush and others are oblivious that the Day of the Lord is at hand! Thank God for these men and for their efforts for seeking to preserve America, but put NOT your trust in their vain words of false optimism about our future. What is tragic is that they themselves reject the reality at hand and believe that all things will continue to go on forever and work out for good (Psalm 118:8, 146:3-4, Isa. 2:22, Jer. 17:5). These false -unregenerated - prophets of optimism are nothing more than Lucifer's "angels of light"(1 Cor. 11:13-15) and are misleading thousands - if not millions - of Americans. They themselves see the Bible and God's saving grace only in a relative and pluralistic light. If these voices of conservatism truly believed the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:2-4) they would turn their "golden microphones" and "airways" into pulpits of righteousness, proclaiming the reality of Day of the Lord andman's desperate need for the Savior (John 3:16-17 1 Cor. 2:2, 9:16, Gal. 6:14).

They themselves are oblivious that the Day of the Lord is at hand! Thank God for these men, but put NOT your trust in their vain words.
As "we as a nation" passes into oblivion and into global tribulation, may Almighty God and His Word be your total source for consolation and optimistic reality for today's crisis. Have FAITH in Almighty God America! He alone is able to deliver one from the poisons and corruption that dominate and infest this fallen world (Gal 1:4). My beloved, invest in ETERNITY, not in the few futile seconds of this vain life (Eccl 1:1-3). ETERNITY is where our sights should be set. ETERNITY is our future home (Isa. 65:17, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21,22:1-5). It is crucial today to be able to distinguish between these two perceptions.

If you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, may you be redeeming these days; for they are indeed evil (Eph. 5:16)May we all - that know the Lord in spirit and truth - dedicate our lives whole heartedly to Him for His glory and honor (1 Cor. 10:31, Col 3:17, 1 Peter 4:11)May pointing people to a saving knowledge of the Saviorbe priority one! My beloved, keep focused and looking for the Savior's soon return… for the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!


Heaven’s Eternal Perspective Will Set You Free!
Time and ETERNITY - Mankind’s Destiny
Servants of Christ First - Conservatives Second

The 2012 Presidential Race - A Biblical Perspective

As the Presidential race takes off expect the Media to do whatever it takes to secure a leftist socialist progressive Obama win. Nothing will be beneath them as they seek any lawless means of accomplishing this goal. These will stir up the rage of the masses of socially subjective lawless government dependents and the violent secular Left. This offensive vindictive provocation by the Leftist media will be the very catalyst for the continual arousing of the rage of the Lefts base which will continue to violently overflow well past the 2012 elections. A Romney presidential win will be disastrous and this is why; the media with all of its outlets in this technological media dominated world will seek to destroy whatever remains of conservatism and the Romney moderate agenda. They will redefine conservatism and make moderatism the new extreme. They will demonize and marginalize Fox News, Talk Radio, Conservative blogs and publications to exceedingly new levels as ultra extreme and with our dire national conditions (socially and politically) abounding throughout our land, they will 24/7 blame Romney, the Republicans and conservatism as the sum of all evils. The Lefts base and moderate America is subjective, envious and angry and in their thinking they are idiots and fools when it comes to common sense and sound conservative ideals. The Left always has more power when they are out of power because they dominate the media, control and enrage the reprobate masses and continually put the Right on the defensive. With Obama gone the Left will no longer need to defend him 24/7 and will be on the slanderous offensive 24/7 armed with all kinds of vindictive hate and rage.

The Left always has more power when they are out of power because they dominate the media, control and enrage the reprobate masses and continually put the Right on the defensive.

The Right will not have a target to pin the fallout of Obama’ s Leftist agenda on because the liberal media will be continually putting them on the defense, redefining and rewriting the past 4 years 24/7 as the Republican Party and conservatism's fault. The media will be able to run their 24/7 slander machine and seek the continual enraging of their subjective lawless masses, America’s social order will collapse under the weight of the lawless state of our inner cities and secular culture. This may be a hard pill to swallow but an Obama victory this fall will slow down the US's hemorrhaging and collapse just a little more than a Romney win because the media will still have to defend Obama and will have to divert most of it resources to the insulation and protection of the Obama agenda. A Romney win will allow the Left to fully commit all of their media resources to an all out war on our founding fathers, Romney, moderates and conservatives. The main goal in their raging push will be to finally rid and set themselves free from US constitutional law and the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. They will seek to destroy the United States and anyone who stands in their way from reaching their godless secular utopian ideals.

This may be a hard pill to swallow but an Obama victory this fall will slow down the US's hemorrhaging and collapse just a little than a Romney win because the media will still have to defend Obama and will have to divert most of it resources to the insulation and protection of the Obama agenda.

The Left are masters at putting conservatives on the continual defensive and destroying all of their creditability with their perpetual slandering tactics. Anyone remember George “W” Bush? With their 24/7 slanderous and baseless charges they will get whatever remains of the moderate conservative agenda to compromise and abandoned their moderate conservative agenda. By this fall (2012) the Media will have already redefined Romney, not as a liberal/moderate but as an extremist, a rich fat cat, a Mormon zealot, a white racist, out of touch with the "middle class" and a callus unfeeling right-winger who does not care for the "poor". They also will have redefined all true conservatives as ultra radicals and when it comes to Bible believing Christians they will be redefine them as Satan’s demons, ever marginalizing the right and redefining them to make the lawless, secular leftist agenda normal and mainstream. You think not? It has already happened to this nation in these last four years. Tragically American people have been subtly cooked as the frog in the ever warming water and have received this 180 degree redefining as the new norm. WOE unto us as a nation for the fall out of this secular pluralistic and relativistic ideal will be our nation’s final end.

By this fall (2012) the Media will have already redefined Romney, not as a liberal/moderate but as an extremist, a rich fat cat, a Mormon zealot, a white racist, out of touch with the "middle class" and a callus unfeeling right-winger who does not care for the "poor".

Here is where we lose many conservatives and individuals because of their subjective and godless unbelief in Almighty God’s Word and His prophetic truths… America HAS to be and finally WILL BE removed from the world stage in Satan’s overall plan to set the stage for the unifying of the nations of the world only after horrific global war and environmental disasters (Rev. 6-9). He will seek this unification under his “lawless one” and finally will achieve the worship of he has so desired (Isa. 14:12-15, Dan. 7, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). This is all part of Satan’s game plan; to marginalize Christ’s believers as exceeding ultra extremists and to reduce our once Judeo/Christian culture to a pile of ashes. The real goal behind this assault on America is getting to and eliminating the remnant of Christ’s people and putting out the Gospel light (Eph. 6:12). It is then, when America, which has been a beacon of light for Gospel outreach for the last 300 years to this world has finally be reduced to a violent and lawless third world country that Satan can then seek to unify the world under his lawless one and bring an end to the nation Israel (Zech. 14:1-4, Rev. 12, 16:13-16) and thus discrediting Almighty God and His promises for Israel and the world and establishing his lawless and godless delusional utopia and worship. The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course (Eph. 2:2-3, 6:12). To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal - Matt. 7:24-26, John 3:36, Rev. 20:11-15).

The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course. To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal).

My dear friend may you abandoned your subjective world view and assessment of our current dilemmas and receive the REALITY and ETERNAL TRUTH of Almighty God’s Word and love for you in these troubling days. Things are only going to get worse. Do not deceive yourselves otherwise. America the Four Horseman are about to ride! And nothing will stop that ride from coming to pass! In these last months, days and hours may you come to trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior for such is the crucial reality of our hour!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Secular Liberalism - The Lawless Ideology 
The MASTER of the American Leftist Media 



America - Indoctrinated and Poisoned!

The secular sabotage from fifth column apostate Americans is almost complete. The current inhabitants of our nation for the last 80 years have been indoctrinated with poisoned kool aid and brainwashed with the secular and godless ideologies of Marx, Nietzsche, Crowley, Dewey, Sanger, the Frankfurt School, Freud, Kinsley, Alinsky, J. Lennon, moral relativism, secularism, narcissism, socialism, subjectivism, pessimism, critical theory, secular and demonic euphemisms, godlessness and lawlessness (Rom.1:18-32). All of these have found their great fulfillment and means in Barak H. Obama. He is the one and has been the one to fulfill all of these reprobates dreams and godless visions. He - for our nation - is the straw that broke the camel’s back and the man that our founding fathers warned us of who would come at the end of our nation's journey.

The current inhabitants of our nation for the last 80 years have been indoctrinated with poisoned kool aid and brainwashed with the secular and godless ideologies.

Americans needs to wake up to the horrific realities which are at hand and until they do they will be continually swept away by the catastrophic floods of our nation’s calamities. My dear friends, I say this with no joy and with tears in my eyes that we are finished as a nation. The fat lady has sung! The jig is up! Put the fork in it! The curtain has closed! The camel's back is broken! The final buzzer has rung! For the Day of the Lord is at hand and the Four Horsemen are about to ride and NOTHING can stop it from coming! It is now time that we as individuals and as a nation to look beyond the limited confines of this world and put aside all of its false saviors and focus on the Creator and Redeemer of all mankind. In the end all will depend on it.

The Kingdom of Heaven is ta hand!


The Extinction of the Godly Woman

The Leftist secular and licentious mind, which abhors ALL moral absolutes instilled into the creation at the beginning by the ETERNAL God (Gen.1:31; Rom. 1:18-32), is absolutely consumed with the acquisition of power and lives in a darkened delusion reality. This can be clearly seen in light of the current debate in Washington. These subjective slaves to the fallen nature of man are fully dominated by their godless narcissistic agenda, unbridled passions and their "upside down emotional rationale" (Jude 1:10). This godless and licentious mindset has existed since the fall of man and first manifested itself in the ancient time of Cain (Gen. 6, Jude 1:10-11).

The “logic” that these reprobates use to justify this butchery is astounding to the rational mind.

Here in America, the godless “white” secular liberal mind has tyrannically oppressed the woman - especially those of the black population. From their demonic “Molochian” institution called “Planned Parenthood”, the Left and their followers have - in the name of personal freedom - legalized lawlessness, glorified female decadence and have offered up millions of unborn children to their god of godless secularism on the alter of abortion. The greatest self-induced victims from the fallout of this decadence “addiction to death” by the American Moloch worshipers have been our young girls and women.

The greatest self induced victims from the fall out of this “addiction to death” by the American Moloch worshipers have been our young girls and the women.

These victims of America's Moloch institution have been ravished spiritually, mentally, physical, socially and personally and are then usually left alone to deal with the fallout from their sexual promiscuity. These live with overwhelming guilt and regret while others are quite callous enough to feel no remorse and are proud promoters of this death culture and practice. Tragically today, Moloch worship is the chief practice of the Left in America, with about 1.3 million children offered each year on the altar of abortion.

Godly women are absolutely crucial to any society in this fallen world and Satan knows it.

It is the godly woman that is crucially needed in our land today. Godly women are absolutely crucial to any society in this fallen world and Satan knows it (Prov. 31:10-31). Almighty God cannot praise her enough, for her role is absolutely key for preserving her children, family, society and nation from the ravishing effects of this fallen world’s lawless state (Rom. 1:18-32).

When the woman is at her absolute lowest so also is her nation. When the woman is at her absolute lowest Satan is at his strongest. Lucifer (i.e., Satan) absolutely despises mankind, and ever since their fall in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3) he has been seeking to corrupt and destroy the woman and her key role to fallen humanity. It is from the “Seed of the Woman” that Satan's demise and ultimate ETERNAL doom is sealed FOREVER (Gen. 3; Rev. 20:10). A God fearing woman is to be praised by a nation and treasured among her family but in America's post Judeo/Christian culture she is despised and ridiculed by America's lawless masses. Hollywood has brainwash the masses in rewriting what a virtuous women should be based on their godless and lawless perception. We have come to the point today in America that the godly women is near extinction and our lawless nation loves it so. Is it no wonder that we are at the end!

As we live in these last days expect to see the role of women to greatly diminish and her oppressors to greatly increase. Tragically it is a sign of the end and that the Day of the Lord is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


A Study on the Virtuous Woman -link

Abort73 - Great Link on Abortion Stats.



Seven Years To The Exact Day - The 70th Week of Daniel

Ever since the Prophetic Movement of the 1870's, there have been those who love to set dates for the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Many twist, crunch and contrive their calculations from Holy Scripture to force such a date. Most of these date setters reject the clear scriptural teaching about the Rapture of the Church along with many other basic dispensational teachings clearly taught in the Bible.

Is there any way to know the exact date of Christ's return to Earth when He will institute the Kingdom of God?

There are two apparently conflicting answers: “No, there is not,” and “Yes, there is!”
When Jesus spoke about the Last Days and His glorious coming to earth in Matthew 24:36, He made this very clear statement: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. This statement was given in response to the first of two questions His disciples asked Him (see v. 3), and the meaning is quite clear. No one but God the Father knows precisely the time of Christ’s return. There are countless other Bible verses regarding Believers’ watching and waiting for the promised return of Christ. One result of this uncertainty is that it causes the Believer to be in a state of readiness for their Savior's coming, as the exact time for it is unknown. In these present last days, however, we clearly see some of these predicted signs happening before our very eyes, indicating the Lord’s return is imminent (at hand). Here are just a few Bible verses that speak of this truth.

Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:12).

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure (1 John 3:2-3).

The Rapture will only take place for the True Church (i.e., all individuals that have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior). Many people call themselves "Christians" but reject the basic teachings of Christ and also the crucial message of personal salvation as taught in the Holy Scriptures (the Bible). Jesus will make this very sobering statement to those who profess to know Him but have in fact rejected the Very One they professed to have known.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matthew 7:21-23).

When the Rapture of the Church takes place, the True Church will be removed from the earth to meet The Lord in the Air. This event will set the prophetic wheels in motion like never before. Soon after the Rapture there will be a very brief period of time. This time will be in preparation for the very event that has been sought after for millennia. God will again deal with His people Israel in a very personal and preparatory way. God wants us to be always laboring, learning, looking and preaching the Gospel message - until the Trumpet Blows!

Other passages describing the Rapture of the Church are found in John 14:3, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

Why Did God Choose Israel?

The Apostle Paul, a zealous Israelite, said this about his fellow countrymen, the nation of Israel: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen (Romans 9:4-5). Of all the nations in the world today, Israel is God's chosen nation. Through Abraham (see Genesis 12:1-3), Almighty God raised up a nation to be a light to all the nations of the world. Israel was to display the love and law of God, His redemptive plan for humanity and His future plan for all Nations. Israel as a nation failed to fulfill its assignment and, except for a remnant of believers, was a failure because of mass unbelief. The height of the rejection of God's love for the nation of Israel was the rejection of their King and Savior, Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (i.e The Lord Jesus Christ). Yeshua (i.e Jesus) made this heart-filled statement just before His rejection and Crucifixion:

Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord (Matthew 23:34-39).

When Israel rejected her Messiah (Jesus Christ, the King of Kings), the Kingdom of God was put on hold (see Romans Chapter 11). Almighty God then did something quite wonderful. A great Mystery(see Ephesians 5:32) from eternal ages past was about to unfold: the Creation of the Church (see Acts chapters 2 and 3). The Greek word for church means, "A called out assembly." This called out assembly was to be made up of whosoevers (See John 1:12; 3:16), i.e., Jews and Gentiles. They are a special people, God’s prized possession and precious property, a peculiar priesthood of all those who have believed in and received the Messiah of Israel.

"The Greek word for church means, "A called out assembly." This called out assembly was to be made up of whosoevers (i.e., Jews and Gentiles")"
For 2000 years the True Church has borne witness to the saving grace of Almighty God by preaching the Gospel (good news) to the world. In this Age of Grace, God is accomplishing His good will and way by His special vehicle, the Church.

As the Church age comes to an end, Almighty God has not forgotten His covenants and oaths and His Promises to Israel (see Romans 9:4). Many so-called "Christian” groups have written off Israel and God's promises made to them. To do this is to go directly against the credibility and faithfulness of Almighty God and His Word. That is why True Christians want only the best for the nation of Israel and have done much to contribute to its welfare.

God has a great future and plan for the people of Israel. This Plan and Promise will be fulfilled in the Kingdom Age, which will commence upon Jesus Messiah’s return to earth. The Old Testament is chock-full of wonderful promises to the Nation Israel. The phrase "In That Day"refers to the time when God will prepare Israel for His coming to earth and His thousand-year reign, throughout which Israel will be a believing people and a true Light to all nations.

In the next blog we will look at God's future dealings with His nation Israel after the Rapture of the Church. We will also God's prophetic formula for the exact date of Jesus’ return to establish His Kingdom on earth. Stay tuned!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Edited by BEL I.F.

To Continue this study, click on links below.

Seven Years To The Exact Day (Part 2)
Seven Years To The Exact Day (Part 3)

Take the Gospel of John Challenge



Israel’s FUTURE Rejection of The Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah)

The very one who was Jehovah’s mighty champion AGAINST the godless oppressive regime of Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 17-19). The very one who took on the national apostasy of the 10 tribes in the north (Israel). The very one who took on the 850 prophets of Baal then slew them upon Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:19-40). The very one who at MountSinai heard the still voice of Almighty G-d (1 Kings 19:9-14) who will set the ground work for turning the hearts of the sons back to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers back to the sons(Mal. 4:4-6) is now REJECTED by the present day nation of Israel at this time(Ezek. 38:26, Rev. 11:9)

Moses and Elijah will be REJECTED by the majority of the Nation of Israel durng their 31/2 year ministry!
The very deliverer of Egypt’s 400 year oppressive bondage, the one who parted the Red Sea, the Lawgiver of Mount Sinai, the very one Almighty God used to institute the Leviticus priesthood and sacrificial system (Deut 32-40) which pointed to the Person and Work of the Messiah, the one who talked Face to face with Almighty G-d (Deut. 34:10) and the most honored patriarch in Israel’s history (MOSES) will be REJECTED by the majority of present day Israel during this time (Rev. 11:9). How absolutely amazing is that! UNBELIEF is UNBELIEF no matter who Almighty G-d sends. Remember what the Messiah spoke of Abraham telling the godless rich man who died in his transgressions who was in Sheol (Luke 16:19-31)? Abraham stated to the rich man across the fixed gulf - before Sheol Paradise was emptied at the Messiah’s ascension to the Right Hand of Almighty G-d(Psalm 68:18, 110:, Eph. 4:8-10).

“Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead (Luke 16:27-31).”
No matter WHAT the signs and wonders, no matter WHO the mighty person or no matter the Divine witness of Almighty God, the Holy Spirit and the Light of the World, NONE of these CAN EVER turn an unbelieving and unrepentant heart to the Savior (Jer. 17:9). Time and time again this has been the case throughout Israel’s wretched history (1 Sam 8:7, Isa. 53: 1-3, Lev. 26, Acts 7) and in the 6000 year history of Adam’s fallen race (Rom. 1:18-32).

It will be at the end of MOSES and ELIJAH’S 3 ½ year ministry, that the Anti Christ will be resuscitated and given authority to violently murder these Two MIGHTY Men of world’s history, which "terrorized" a godless world with their RIGHTEOUS WORDS of Divine judgment(i,e. the WORD’S of ALMIGHTY GOD - Heb. 4:12-13)! It is AT THIS TIME (at the death and resuscitation of Almighty God’s Two Witnesses – Rev. 11:7-13) that Almighty God will allow rebellious and unbelieving Israel to be persecuted as NEVER before by Satan and his demonic and human minions (Ezek 39:26, Zech. 13:8-9, Rev. 12)! Because of the national REJECTION of MOSES and ELIJAH (HOW AMAZING IS THAT STATEMENT!!) and their OVER ABUNDANT SUPER NATURAL witness to Israel, they will now be subjected to GREAT TRIBULATION for 3 ½ years (Zech. 13:8-9, Rev. 12, 13). For those who are able to flee and who have taken heed to the warnings of the Messiah's scripture text and the testimony of MOSES and ELIJAH they will be protected and nourished during this time in a place provided by Almighty God (Matt. 24:15-22, Rev. 12:14-17), a place of protection against the satanic rage of Lucifer and his earthly and demonic minions (Rev. 12)

This horrific period is called the time of “Jacob’s Trouble” and the GREAT tribulation will EXPONENTIALLY EXCEED the anti Semitic genocide and atrocities of Nazi Germany.

It will be in the END of this 3 and 1/2 year period, that the Messiah will come out of Heaven’s glory with His saints and the unbelieving Jews who have been able to survive thus far will see Him coming in the clouds in GREAT GLORY and THEN it will ALL click and they will GREATLY REPENT and MOURN for what they have done and who they have done it to.since Messiah was CUT OFF (Dan. 9:26, Zech. 12:9-14, 13:1-2). It will be at this time that those who remain of the seed of Israel will FINALLY receive their Messiah and He will MIGHTILY deliver them out of the hand of a raging world HELL bent on their total annihilation (Dan. 9:26, Zech. 12:9-14, 13:1-2, 14:2-4, Rev. 12:17, 16:13-16, 19:11-21). Indeed will those who remain of Israel at this time truly say,"Blessed is He who cometh in the Name of the Lord" (Psalm 110, 118, Matt. 23:39)! It will be through the POWERFUL catalyst, testimony and ministry of MOSES and ELIJAH of old which will lay the ground work for the salvation of countless gentiles and the redemption of the nation of Israel (Isa 61:2-4, 62:1-5, 66;7-10, Zech. 12:8-14, Mal. 4, Matt. 25:32-32)!

It will be through the POWERFUL catalyst, testimony and ministry of MOSES and ELIJAH of old which will lay the ground work for the salvation of countless gentiles and the redemption of the nation of Israel.
Oh my beloved what a day to live in!! Israel will yet be a praise unto the Lord of Hosts throughout the world! Oh my beloved Jewish friend, cast a side this world's subjective carnal delights and come OUT of her and turn back to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in spirit and truth. May the Word of the Lord transform you for my friend you will NEVER be the same! Rejoice GREATLY, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at TRULY at hand!



MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012

The Left’s Redefining and Marginalizing of the Right in America’s Last Days

Well here we are my friends. After three and a half years of nonstop conservative radio and TV commentary and rallying cries, national Tea Parties, emailing, writing and calling our U.S. representatives, protesting vehemently against socialism, optimistic appraisals and evaluations, and taking our own personal stands for conservatism the relentless leftward movement of this nation has brought to pass our greatest fears for the 2012 elections, a weak moderate/liberal Republican nominee for President. The optimistic voices that put optimistic appraisal in front of the reality of the hour are speechless. Let me ask those of you who have fought valiantly for true conservatism (social and fiscal) and our founding fathers vision for this nation, ”Do you think that our labor was in vain?” May I state that our labor was NEVER in vain! We were and are still the voices of sound reason and genuine concern for our Constitution and nation. Whoever stands for the truth is never a loser… though he may lose in the end. We have shouted from the roof tops to a declining nation and Party and it all would seem to be of none affect. The nation is slipping away and in their heart of hearts the Conservative knows it and is greatly troubled. You cannot listen to talk radio’s leaders and audience and say that they are not troubled and deeply concerned about our nation’s health. Though we are fighting valiantly this leftward movement, it would seem that we are overwhelmed by greater forces and are redeploying to the rear to establish a better footing to take the fight to the enemy, but tragically we are losing and we have now fallen back inside the inner walls of the Alamo with not much time left before we are over totally over run (Matt. 24, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 6-16). 

We are at the end and everything that our founding fathers warned us of is at our door!
The delusional subjective “optimistic” conservative out there will take great offence to my “state of the nation” objective appraisal. They may call such an objective appraisal of this hour a defeatist and fatalistic position. Oh my dear friends what else are you to think when you live in a delusion without any sound objective biblical insight. Wake up my dear conservative friend and take an objective biblical evaluation of our culture, society and institutions and please tell me how we will ever over turn and revive this dying corpse of a nation (Isa. 1). We are at the end and everything that our founding fathers warned us of is at our door! I have no personal delight in such a proclamation but it must be stated and understood. All the “optimistic” kool – aid and hype is only setting you up for a horrific fall, in this present world and in the next. As we shall see, the worst thing to happen in the 2012 elections IS for Mitt Romney to win in 2012.

Throughout the last year during the Republican primaries we have seen conservative candidates in front at one time or another only to fade away and others demonized by the media monster of the Left and then abandoned by the conservatives and moderates of the Republican Party. True conservatives such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann were deemed to be too extreme in their belief in the reality of Almighty God, sound morality and conservative fiscal policies. Would not even our founding fathers today be rejected by a great number of conservatives even though the founding fathers praises are always on their lips? 

True conservatives such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann were deemed to be too extreme in their belief in the reality of Almighty God, sound morality and conservative fiscal policies.

As Obama and the Left have taken this country more and more to the left - even after the 2010 sweeping election for Tea Party conservatives - fear, anxiety and panic have come to rule over the conservatives of the Republican Party of today. Many are willing to compromise sound conservatism for a victory over Obama in 2012. We have seen the great divide between Conservatives in the Republican Party in this primary in light of the candidates they have supported. Conservatives continue to be divided and in the end many have abandoned true conservatism for a social moderate liberal version with some fiscal “conservative” leanings. The hope of a strong solid conservative candidate has now disappeared and many are “optimistically” still hoping for the best in the fall all the while they are slowly being deceived and deceiving themselves that Romney will be a conservative if elected. 

This primary season started off with great excitement and optimistic hope for the conservative base but at the end the optimistic appraisals, political theories and visions of a strong 2012 Conservative candidate are now gone. Like it or not this nation is moving faster and faster to the Left and nothing can slow it down. We as a nation are being sucked into the godless and lawless vortex with great speed. An example of this would be the Titanic. As the Titanic began to take on water it started to sink more rapidly, the more water it took on, the FASTER it was sinking until its housing was completely saturated and finally sank. All the optimism on board the Titanic could not save the ship in the last 30 minutes of its existence. So also is the political culture and national climate of present day America. People who were once known as liberal socialists and were left of center are now called mainstream moderates by the masses and in some places even conservatives by the media and the American people. The compounding weight of our nations’ lawlessness and decadence is causing a massive social shift on the political spectrum and is tilting the scale more and more leftward. It has become harder and harder to tilt it back into balance let alone to the Right. As the scale is tipping leftward society is redefining absolutes, cultural and normality at an alarming rate. We as a nation are seeking to save the Titanic when it has become filled with 85% water and its nose is on a 70 degree angle. As it were we as a nation are running for office with 5 minutes to go before the Titanic finally will sink. Americans (conservative and liberal) have drunk the euphemistic kool-aid and have become drunk with delusion and void of any reality and moral soundness. Just look at the last ten years of this nation. Every deviant practice has now become main stream and tolerable. The red-light district morality is now the norm and being taught to America’s children. 

Like it or not this nation is moving faster and faster to the Left and nothing can slow it down. We as a nation are being sucked into the godless and lawless vortex with great speed.

The 24/7 technological media bombardment is indoctrinating the masses at an alarming and EXPONENTIAL rate. Satan has NEVER been so powerful with this 24/7/365 media at his disposal (Eph. 2:2-3). His indoctrination and promotion of the narcissistic godless life and existence has saturated and permeated all facets of American society and our culture. Beloved, what can any elected official do let alone a liberal Rino to overturn and stop this national horrific hemorrhaging? My friend, realistically, absolutely nothing. If George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were here and were even President of this current nation they and their founding vision would be destroyed by the 24/7 drive-by media and rejected by the Republican establishment and the majority of Americans.

Tragically for this country and for all those who truly know what is at stake the moderates have won again and have secured the Republican Party nomination. This time the moderates are more to the Left than in 2008 and so are the conservatives. Our nation’s mainstream is also more to the Left than in 2008. Our national Media is also more to the Left than in 2008 and our society and culture are more to the Left than in 2008.

As the Presidential race takes off expect the Media to do whatever it takes to secure a leftist socialist progressive Obama win. Nothing will be beneath them as they seek any lawless means of accomplishing this goal. These will stir up the rage of the masses of socially subjective lawless government dependents and the violent secular Left. This offensive vindictive provocation by the Leftist mediawill be the very catalyst for the continual arousing of the rage of the Lefts base which will continue to violently overflow well past the 2012 elections. A Romney presidential win will be disastrous and this is why; the media with all of its outlets in this technological media dominated world will seek to destroy whatever remains of conservatism and the Romney moderate agenda. They will redefine conservatism and make moderatism the new extreme. They will demonize and marginalize Fox News, Talk Radio, Conservative blogs and publications to exceedingly new levels as ultra extreme and with our dire national conditions (socially and politically) abounding throughout our land, they will 24/7 blame Romney, the Republicans and conservatism as the sum of all evils. The Lefts base and moderate America is subjective, envious and angry and in their thinking they are idiots and fools when it comes to common sense and sound conservative ideals. The Left always has more power when they are out of power because they dominate the media, control and enrage the reprobate masses and continually put the Right on the defensive. With Obama gone the Left will no longer need to defend him 24/7 and will be on the slanderous offensive 24/7 armed with all kinds of vindictive hate and rage. 

The Left always has more power when they are out of power because they dominate the media, control and enrage the reprobate masses and continually put the Right on the defensive.

The Right will not have a target to pin the fallout of Obama’ s Leftist agenda on because the liberal media will be continually putting them on the defense, redefining and rewriting the past 4 years 24/7 as the Republican Party and conservatism's fault. The media will be able to run their 24/7 slander machine and seek the continual enraging of their subjective lawless masses, America’s social order will collapse under the weight of the lawless state of our inner cities and secular culture. This may be a hard pill to swallow but an Obama victory this fall will slow down the US's hemorrhaging and collapse just a little more than a Romney win because the media will still have to defend Obama and will have to divert most of it resources to the insulation and protection of the Obama agenda. A Romney win will allow the Left to fully commit all of their media resources to an all out war on our founding fathers, Romney, moderates and conservatives. The main goal in their raging push will be to finally rid and set themselves free from US constitutional law and the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. They will seek to destroy the United States and anyone who stands in their way from reaching their godless secular utopian ideals. 

This may be a hard pill to swallow but an Obama victory this fall will slow down the US's hemorrhaging and collapse just a little than a Romney win because the media will still have to defend Obama and will have to divert most of it resources to the insulation and protection of the Obama agenda.

The Left are masters at putting conservatives on the continual defensive and destroying all of their creditability with their perpetual slandering tactics. Anyone remember George “W” Bush? With their 24/7 slanderous and baseless charges they will get whatever remains of the moderate conservative agenda to compromise and abandoned their moderate conservative agenda. By this fall (2012) the Media will have already redefined Romney, not as a liberal/moderate but as an extremist, a rich fat cat, a Mormon zealot, a white racist, out of touch with the "middle class" and a callus unfeeling right-winger who does not care for the "poor". They also will have redefined all true conservatives as ultra radicals and when it comes to Bible believing Christians they will be redefine them as Satan’s demons, ever marginalizing the right and redefining them to make the lawless, secular leftist agenda normal and mainstream. You think not? It has already happened to this nation in these last four years. Tragically American people have been subtly cooked as the frog in the ever warming water and have received this 180 degree redefining as the new norm. WOE unto us as a nation for the fall out of this secular pluralistic and relativistic ideal will be our nation’s final end.

Here is where we lose many conservatives and individuals because of their subjective and godless unbelief in Almighty God’s Word and His prophetic truths… America HAS to be and finally WILL BE removed from the world stage in Satan’s overall plan to set the stage for the unifying of the nations of the world only after horrific global war and environmental disasters (Rev. 6-9). He will seek this unification under his “lawless one” and finally will achieve the worship of he has so desired (Isa. 14:12-15, Dan. 7, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). This is all part of Satan’s game plan; to marginalize Christ’s believers as exceeding ultra extremists and to reduce our once Judeo/Christian culture to a pile of ashes. The real goal behind this assault on America is getting to and eliminating the remnant of Christ’s people and putting out the Gospel light (Eph. 6:12). It is then, when America, which has been a beacon of light for Gospel outreach for the last 300 years to this world has finally be reduced to a violent and lawless third world country that Satan can then seek to unify the world under his lawless one and bring an end to the nation Israel (Zech. 14:1-4, Rev. 12, 16:13-16) and thus discrediting Almighty God and His promises for Israel and the world and establishing his lawless and godless delusional utopia and worship. The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course (Eph. 2:2-3, 6:12). To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal - Matt. 7:24-26, John 3:36, Rev. 20:11-15).

The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course. To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal).

My dear friend may you abandoned your subjective world view and assessment of our current dilemmas and receive the REALITY and ETERNAL TRUTH of Almighty God’s Word and love for you in these troubling days. Things are only going to get worse. Do not deceive yourselves otherwise. America the Four Horseman are about to ride!And nothing will stop that ride from coming to pass! In these last months, days and hours may you come to trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior for such is the crucial reality of our hour!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



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