

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Generation World Edition: October 16, 2012 Monday Tishri 30, 5773

October 16, 2012                 Monday                Tishri 28, 5773


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Last Generation Network News World Edition



Lord of All

You set Men in Office and You remove them 

You raise up Nations and set them in order

You cause Nations to cease to exist

You are







"You are a Missionary"




DAY 19 of 40 

In the Land You Gave us
We have gone astray

With the people you sent us
We have gone our own way

With the prosperity you provided
we have made for ourselves idols

With all we see and do O God
we have turned away from you

Righteous and True are you O God in all your ways
Forsake us not Almighty God

Thou we be not humble and we have no cried out
Save Us. Hear us. The few who call upon you now.

God have mercy on us.
Righteous and True are you O God in all your ways

God Help us




Netanyahu: Those who belittle Iran threat are unfit to lead

Knesset convenes for winter session but immediately dissolves ahead of snap elections • Netanyahu says Israel faces gravest choice since country's founding and touts his government's accomplishments • Vows to pursue peace while maintaining "aggressive posture and deterrence"

The Knesset officially dissolved itself Monday night, paving the way for a three month campaign that will most likely be dominated by Iran's nuclear program and the tough economic climate is, according to polls, poised to culminate with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's re-election for a third term.


The motion to disband was approved in three mandatory votes on the first day of the winter session. Netanyahu, who initially said he would prefer to hold elections as scheduled in October 2013, announced last week that his efforts to reach common ground on the 2013 budget had failed because and said he would seek snap elections that would spare Israel from a "year-long campaign." Failure to pass a budget in March would have automatically set in motion new elections. Netanyahu, who has repeatedly said he would not sign off on a "financially reckless" budget, may be in a better bargaining position if he were to negotiate the austerity budget as a newly elected prime minister.


At a special Knesset plenum session on Monday, Netanyahu said Israelis will have to make bold decisions when they vote in January. "In less than 100 days the people will decide who will be at the helm and deal with the gravest security threats we have faced since our independence and the worst economic crisis the world has known over the past eighty years," Netanyahu said. Netanyahu went on to list his government's accomplishments over the past three and a half years. "When we took office we had negative economic growth and rising unemployment; the missile threat on the north was greater and the Egyptian border saw many infiltrators cross into Israel," Netanyahu said, even as opposition Kadima MKs heckled his speech.


Kicking off his re-election campaign, Netanyahu focused his speech on tough measures he had taken to improve security for Israelis, such as building a fence along the border with Egypt's Sinai, and deploying a missile shield against rockets fired from the Gaza Strip.


Alluding to past threats to attack Iran to stop it from building a nuclear bomb, something Tehran denies, Netanyahu said Israel now had new unspecified "capabilities to act against Iran and its satellites [allies in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon], capabilities we didn't have in the past." He did not elaborate but said he had "put the danger of Iran's nuclear program at the centre of the global agenda." Netanyahu told lawmakers that "regarding our greatest threat — Iran's nuclear program, this issue did not concern the world and no effective sanctions were in place, be they political or economic."


"Whoever makes light of the threat of Iran's nuclear program doesn't deserve to govern Israel for even a single day," he added, taking aim at rivals who accuse him of using the Iran issue as a scare tactic to remain popular.


Netanyahu said Israel under his leadership enjoyed relative peace. "We did not wage pointless wars," he told the Knesset, presumably referring to his immediate predecessor's two wars in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip."Not only that, we did not wage any war; in my seven years in office (including my first term), there were no wars." Netanyahu noted that terrorism has dropped under his watch and that he presided over the prisoner exchange deal that culminated in the release IDF soldier Gilad Schalit was released from Hamas captivity.


Last week, when Netanyahu announced his plans to call early elections he said that they were necessary if Israel was to continue marching along the path he had led it during his time in office. "There is only one way to preserve these achievements. In the face of the regional upheaval and the global economic crisis, we must continue to uphold responsible economic and security policies because many challenges still lay before us: To ensure that Iran will not have a nuclear bomb, to defend our borders against terrorism and infiltration, to maintain the peace agreements with our neighbors, to uphold our vital national interests in any future peace negotiations and to ensure a dynamic and growing economy that will preserve jobs for Israeli citizens," Netanyahu said.


Referring to the policy toward the hostile Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Netanyahu said that Israel "restored the sense of security to the state of Israel, we have rebuilt our deterrence and adopted an aggressive posture."


President Shimon Peres also spoke at the Knesset, telling lawmakers that "elections are about setting goals for the future and should see serious campaigns that are well attuned to the public and refrain from extreme rhetoric." Peres implored the candidates to "examine the here and now while looking into the future;"


"Elections should be about brainstorming; it should not be about a clash just for the sake of sparring with each other," Peres said. "You have served close to four years; you have seen great battles and achieved important accomplishments and when things got difficult you knew when to rise to the occasion and consider what lies beyond your party's immediate concern; you have earned the nation's gratitude."


Peres went on to warn that the Iranian threat is the most pressing issue in the upcoming elections. "The Iranian regime's policy is not just a charade; it must be viewed as a real threat in the clearest possible way that befits it."


Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin (Likud) told legislators that "truth to be told, we have gathered here [at the opening of the winter session] to dissolve."


"In a few short hours this new winter session will have gone on recess; many citizens in Israel are asking themselves on what grounds is the Knesset dissolving itself right now? Why is there a sense among the general public that this whole campaign is a waste of public funds and a political charade?" Rivlin explained that "unlike past elections, the 2013 elections are not redundant; they are the culmination of a healthy and vital democratic debate."


Opposition leader Shaul Mofaz (Kadima), whose party is not expected to keep much of it's electoral strength at the polls, attacked Netanyahu in his speech. "No media spin can obscure the Netanyahu government's failed policies and flawed leadership over the past four years, under Netanyahu's watch." Mofaz lamented the alleged deterioration in Israel's standing. "Israelis are holding elections while Israel is a weaker country, a more isolated country, with a more fragmented and polarized society where people are hungrier and more afraid; this is not the Israel that I know." Mofaz also blamed Netanyahu for leading Israel into a reality where a two state solution would not be possible and where Israel would become a binational state.


Meretz leader Zahava Gal-On turned to Netanyahu and said that Israel must "vote you out of office if they want to avoid the budget cuts you plan to pass."





EU’s new ‘tough sanctions’ 
on Iran good, but not 
enough, PM says

Susan Rice: US does not accept 
legitimacy of settlements

Tehran: EU sanctions won't force 
Iran into Nuclear talks

Newly revealed miniFlame 
virus targets Iranian and 
Lebanese computers

Palestinians block road 
to Jerusalem

Egypt-mediated truce 
said reached between 
Israel and Gaza

Israel allows return of 18 
Shalit deal prisoners to 
West Bank

EU okays fresh Iran sanctions; 
new version of Flame virus 

PM: Israel can deal with 
Iran threat

'Drone beamed images of plans 
for joint Israel-US drill'



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Someone asked me this week what I thought about James MacDonald having T. D. Jakes at the Elephant Room. Well, to put it simply, I think it was great! James took a bold step in reaching out and inviting a man that some Evangelicals don't want to accept. I can understand having genuine questions about Jakes' position on the doctrine of the Trinity considering his longtime involvement with "Oneness Pentecostalism," and his own admission that he at one time held to an anti-trinitarian view of God's nature. But he has also, on several occasions over the past few years, stated that he no longer holds a "Oneness" or "modalistic" view of God and now believes in the doctrine of the Trinity. This he clearly articulated once again at the Elephant Room.

Jakes formally held the Oneness doctrine, also known as "Jesus Only," which teaches that Jesus is both the Father and the Son. The term Father refers to His deity, the term Son refers to His humanity. According to the Oneness doctrine, there is no Trinity—one God in three persons; rather there is one God who expresses Himself in different modes, sometimes as Father, sometimes as Son, and sometimes as Spirit. Now this teaching is certainly contrary to the biblical doctrine of the triune nature of God and is therefore "heretical," but to say that those who hold this view are not Christians is in my opinion going too far. Granted, it is an incorrect view regarding the nature of God, but it is not like other anti-trinitarian views that deny the full deity of Christ. I personally do not think you can put those who hold the Oneness doctrine in the same category as a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon. I might be wrong, but that's the way I see it at this point. Should we seek to correct the view of the Oneness Pentecostals? Yes we should, in the same way we would seek to correct any person or group that has fallen into theological error. What I don't think we should do is spurn them or cast a final eternal judgment on them.

Now back to T. D. Jakes and those Evangelicals who are still refusing to accept him. This is sad! Give the brother a break. What else could he have done to affirm his belief in the Trinity? He's declared publicly that he "now" (showing he's moved away from his former position) believes that God exists in three persons. He even explained that during the process of changing his position he began to see that there were things the Bible says about the Father that couldn't be said about the Son, and things the Bible says about the Son that couldn't be said about the Father, necessitating distinct persons within the divine nature. He did say that he wasn't all that crazy about the use of the term "persons" when speaking about the distinctions within the divine nature, but others have expressed similar things, feeling that sometimes the term person might be too limiting or give the impression that God is a person just like we are. This seems to me to be the kind of theological "hair splitting" that has been the bane of the church from generation to generation, and something that, God help us, we really need to outgrow.

My hat is off to James and to the others who came together with T. D. Jakes for a time of honest dialogue and fellowship in Christ at the Elephant Room. The church desperately needs more of this kind of thing. After all, Jesus didn't say that the world would know we were His disciples by our total agreement on all the finer points of theology; He did say that they would know we were His disciples by our love for one another. The Elephant Room was a beautiful display of Christ's disciples doing just that.




Brian has been involved in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. He has served as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Vista, California, and as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Westminster, London, England. Brian has been extensively involved in missions and church planting work throughout various parts of the world. He now serves at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California. Brian is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching program "Back to Basics." He is known for his clear and challenging exposition of the Scriptures. Brian and his wife Cheryl have four children and four grandsons and reside in Southern California. You can connect with Pastor Brian through his Facebook Page orTwitter






Growing up I watched John Wayne, Errol Flyinn, Classic movies of Good conquering Evil and even greater stories of Dying for your Country.


When I was a child I thought dying for your country was good thing.


Getting older I used to watch Battle Cry, King Arthur, Exodus and many movies that all wanted to tell me to die for and Idea. To give my life fo
r a higher calling, be devoted to the IDEAL even if it meant my death.


When I was a child I thought ideas were a good thing to believe in.


Later in life people told me I needed to solve social issues. I watched SCI FI and fantasy movies telling me I could make a difference, I could change the world, I could save the planet, the hungry, the poor and the unborn.

When I was a young man I thought solving issues were a good thing.

I got Old.


I have seen in retro movies and the same stories being told again to die for your country. And I have seen a generation of people actually think bombing each other and fighting wars for peace actually work....


I am too old for that. Been there, done that.


I have seen the ideal societies again playing push me pull you with everyone saying I have to make a change because it really is up to me stop Abortion, Fix the Debt, Create Jobs, Do healthcare, renew the world....


Sorry, I am too old for that.
Been there, done that.


You know even Christians now are telling me I have to vote Mormon and put away being a Christian because if I don't vote I am not saved or somehow I am not "with them"


So sorry, I have decided to Follow Jesus.
I don't follow men, I don't follow creeds. I don't follow you when you have high idea's or moral dilemmas. I don't worry or fret or act like I can save the World. I can't


I follow Jesus.




Read more:http://michaeljamesstone.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=worddevo&action=display&thread=1949#ixzz29IzeuHLz



The Religion of Politics


People don't want to admit how Religious they are by practicing  politics. And yert they do the same things in politics they do in religion.


People will put Faith in a candidate. Organizers want you to Believe in a party. Dogmas are campaign promises, made by men but now power in them to be true. Doctrines are party platforms people want everyone to agree on but seldon do. I really don't see any difference between a religious fanatic and poltical junkie. They both go to and use extremes to accomplish one purpose.

As good as religion can be at times and abused at others, I see the same truth in politics. Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Social Justice, Moral righteousness, just like religion I see politics wanting those to be done while in fact doing the opposite, much like religion. Wars, Debates, Agreements, Money, Economics, Health, Commerce, Trade. I do find the RELIGION OF POLITICS often more active in America than relgions of man.

Sadly I see On the Altar of Politcs America crucified of her Soul for the sake of Elections and little Grace or God involved at all

Religion and Politics cannot solve personal relationships, only people can.

Jesud wanted nothing do with Politics or Religion

If it meant giving up God in the Process

Have you?








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