

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WORLD WATCH DAILY: Wednesday September 12, 2012 Elul 25, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 10:02:12 am - September 12, 2012 - Jerusalem: 5:02:12 pm - Elul 25, 5772


But late Tuesday, the White House released a statement denying that any formal offer was made for a meeting in the capital -- without saying whether an offer was made for a meeting elsewhere, like New York. “Contrary to reports in the press, there was never a request for Prime Minister Netanyahu to meet with President Obama in Washington, nor was a request for a meeting ever denied,” the statement said.

The White House went on to say that Obama had just gotten off an hour-long phone call with the prime minister “as a part of their ongoing consultations,” and that the two discussed the Iranian nuclear threat.

The unusual statement from the White House signaled the president’s team was acting quickly to contain the controversy. The seemingly chilly response to Netanyahu was already being interpreted as a snub among Israel’s biggest defenders -- and it comes amid a state of heightened alert over Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of Israeli action.


Netanyahu Warns the US and World on Iran:
In harsh rebuttal to Clinton, Netanyahu says those who don’t set red lines for Iran have no right to keep Israel from attacking


Two days after secretary rules out Iran deadline, Netanyahu says: ‘The world tells Israel to wait because there is still time. And I ask: Wait for what? Until when? 



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that countries that refused to set deadlines for Iran to give up its nuclear program have no right to tell Israel to hold back on taking preemptive military action to thwart the regime’s nuclear ambitions.

His comments constituted an explicit and bitter rebuttal of comments made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said on Sunday that the US will currently not set deadlines or give ultimatums regarding Tehran’s refusal to curb its nuclear program.

“The world tells Israel to wait because there is still time. And I ask: Wait for what? Until when? Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel,”Netanyahu said.

“If Iran knows that there is no red line or deadline, what will it do? Exactly what it is doing today, i.e., continuing to work unhindered toward achieving a nuclear weapon.”


The White House hands Iran's Ahmadinejad a global megaphone


Christian News

Just a few days after the anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will travel to New York City. Once he arrives he will be handed a platform to incite violence and hostility from the center of the UN universe, just a few miles from Ground Zero.

This is a man who openly advocates genocide, brazenly endeavors to commit terrorist attacks on American soil, kills and kidnaps Americans abroad, brutalizes his own people, sponsors terrorism around the world, and is on the verge of acquiring a nuclear bomb.

Today, on 9/11, we need to ask why. Why is he being given this global megaphone?


The Cairo-Tehran Express:
Egyptian-Iranian intelligence meeting prompts 
fears of a new Middle East terror axis


Christian News

U.S. intelligence agencies recently monitored a secret meeting between Egypt’s intelligence chief and a senior Iranian spy that is raising new fears the Muslim Brotherhood government in Cairo could begin covertly supporting global terrorism.

According to U.S. officials, the head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, Maj. Gen. Murad Muwafi, met in early August with a senior official of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).


US ambassador to Libya, three others killed by militants


Christian News

Christopher Stevens dies in rocket attack after violent mob, spurred by outrage over a film ridiculing Muhammad, storms Benghazi consulate


'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - September 7, 2012 


Biblical response to anti-Christian talk from misinformed Jews .... Alarming: Is US preparing for a post-Israel Middle East? .... Political conventions, Israel, Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia


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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – September 7, 2012: Biblical response to anti-Christian talk from misinformed Jews .... Alarming: Is US preparing for a post-Israel Middle East? .... Political conventions, Israel, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 31, 2012: Political conventions, Israel, Iran, Egypt, China, Russia, Syria, and more 

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Featured News 

Egypt trying to persuade 
Iran to drop Assad

King Abdullah: Israel disrupting 
Jordan's nuclear plans

US ambassador to Libya, 3 
staff killed in rocket attack

Netanyahu orders transfer 
of $60 million to PA to 
help with fiscal crisis

Israel praises Canada, calls on world to cut ties with Iran (VIDEO) 

Panetta: US has only 1 
year if Iran decides 
to pursue nukes 

Report: Jerusalem Within New 
Iranian Missile’s Range

Terror strikes planned against 
US, Israeli embassies, Egyptian 
intelligence warns

US seeks to head off new 
Palestinian UN status bid

Latest News 

Death toll from Karachi factory 
fire soars - At least 246 dead

Russian plane crash kills 
10 in Far East

Suicide bomber kills police 
officer at İstanbul police 

Analysis: Obama, Netanyahu both 
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DR Congo M23 rebels 'executing 
escapee recruits' - 200,000 people 
displaced since April

Spain: Huge turnout of 1.5 million 
for Catalan independence rally

EU politicians applaud German 
Court ruling

Scandals, missing official 
put China's political future 
in question

Barcelona warns Madrid: 
Pay up or Catalonia 
leaves Spain

Anti-Islam filmmaker in hiding 
after protests at US Embassies

In unusual snub, Obama to 
avoid meeting with Netanyahu

Dow climbs to highest 
since 2007

Gunmen reportedly attack 
US consulate in Libya - 
One dead

Egyptians angry at film 
scale US embassy walls

U.S. faces rating cut if 
2013 budget talks fail - 

U.S. marks 11th anniversary 
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Yemen minister 'survives 
assassination attempt'

China Sends Patrol Ships 
to Islands Held by Japan

White House News 

Russian ships displayed at DNC tribute to vets 

Jimmy Carter urges Obama not 
to ‘draw a line in the sand’ 
for Iran’s nuclear program

Lawmakers in mini-session 
aim for bare minimum to 
avert government shutdown

With $114 Million, Obama just 
outraises Romney in August

Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

Israel is second most 
educated country

Elections to be moved up 
if budget not approved, 
says Rivlin

State decides to deport 
18 of 21 African migrants

Provocative Commentary 

Why Obama and Netanyahu must meet this month: Iranians must be laughing all the way to the bomb - David Horovitz 

'Friendly' attacks put Afghan 
mission in turmoil - 
F. Michael Maloof

The Terrorists Fight On - 
Thomas Joscelyn

‘The President's Turf’ - 
William Kristol

The Real Rules of the U.N. 
Human Rights Council - 
Claudia Rosett

Can Israel Still Surprise 
Iran? - Reuters

New cradles to graves - The welfare 
state is flowering in Asia. Will it free 
the continent from squalor? 
Or sink it in debt? - Economist

The Democrats’ GM Fiction - 

Analysis: Jerusalem gaffe 
gives Republicans Israel 
win - Hilary Leila Krieger

From Kurt Warner's wife 
to 'Christian famous'

Despair and Change - There's no 
excuse for the Obama record - 
Fred Barnes

The Party of Abortion - 
Jonathan V. Last

Warren's web of...confusion - 
Patrick Brennan

1 of emptiest speeches I 
ever heard - I was stunned - 
Charles Krauthammer

Is Israel without a friend? - 
Jan Markell

RICE, BAKER, SHULTZ & KISSINGER: Romney for recovery 

What 2012 election means 
for Israel - Daniel Pipes

A Real War & a Phony War - 
William Kristol

SEALs and the Campaign - They 
may play a big role in the end 
game - Jim Geraghty

Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

September 12: The Judge - 
Charles Stanley

September 12: Going Through 
Spiritual Confusion - 
Oswald Chambers

September 12: It Must Be 
Bought - Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
"live" Sunday' at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 
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Monday at 2 pm (Eastern-US)

Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible
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Eye to Eye


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