

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

FAITH WATCH NEWS: The Christian Post Wednesday August 22, 2012 Elul 4, 5772

Temecula church
(Photo: Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship)

Calvary Chapel Fellowship Squeezes Calif. Winegrowers Over No-Church Law

By Alex Murashko

A Calvary Chapel-affiliated church in Southern California is threatening to file a federal lawsuit against the County of Riverside over a previously unknown zoning law in the Temecula Valley Wine Country that prohibits churches from being built on the grape-growing land within the popular tourist destination.

FRC Refutes 'Hate' Claims of Calling Gays Pedophiles, Wanting to Expel Gays

By Audrey Barrick

The LGBT advocacy group Human Rights Campaign and the Southern Poverty Law Center are standing by their decision to label conservative group Family Research Council a "hate" group even as some in their camp back away. But they say it's not because FRC simply opposes same-sex marriage. FRC is "hateful" because it links gay people to pedophiles, they claim.


Todd Akin

Akin to Continue Mo. Senate Race Despite Calls From Romney to Exit; Asks for Forgiveness

By Paul Stanley

Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is saying he's in the Missouri Senate race to stay despite calls from Mitt Romney for him to step aside over controversial remarks on rape and abortion. The come-from-behind candidate who had been leading in the polls has come under intense pressure to step aside since stating on Sunday that women's bodies could prevent pregnancies in cases of "legitimate rape."

New research from the Barna Group finds that Christian women in the U.S. claim to struggle less with "traditional" sins such as lust than they do more modern bad behaviors like disorganization.

The Republican National Convention may not be officially opening until Monday, but the hard work of finalizing the GOP platform – often referred to as its mission statement – is now under way in Tampa, Fla. Christians are paying particular attention to this year's committee meetings given the fact that the Democrats have voted to include same-sex marriage in their platform for the first time in history.

President Barack Obama praised former President George W. Bush's faith in an interview for Cathedral Age. "I didn't agree with former President Bush on many issues, but I did respect him as a good husband, a loving father, and as a man of faith," Obama said.

Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), a candidate for the U.S. Senate, faces a backlash within his own party for his recent comment that pregnancies rarely occur as the result of a "legitimate rape." While the comment sounded odd, not to mention offensive, to many, it is based upon an idea that has floated around in some pro-life circles for decades. In a Tuesday interview with The Christian Post, Dr. Gene Rudd, an obstetrician-gynecologist who is also senior vice president of Christian Medical & Dental Associations, said there is no evidence that pregnancies are rare among rape victims.

As NASA's $2.5 billion Mars rover Curiosity continues its search to determine if the red planet could have ever supported microbial life, advocates of creationism took the opportunity to point out that even if life were found it would not help the evolutionary quest to identify the origin of life on earth.

Church & Ministries

Joel Osteen

US Megachurches Growing, Providing 'Heightened Sense of Spirituality'

By Stoyan Zaimov

A new study has revealed that megachurches in America with congregations larger than 2,000 people are not only growing, but also satisfying the spiritual needs of their members.

The electricity is back on at Without Walls Central Church in Lakeland, Fla., after months of abandonment. Bishop Randy White, who leads Without Walls International Church in Tampa, and a team of church members cleaned up the Lakeland facility last week with the hope of restoring the ministry there.

A Methodist church in Florida holds worship services at an unlikely location: a bar on the Florida-Alabama border known for bikini contests, fish-throwing events, and the occasional fight.

Christians often overlook the fact that they are "new creations in Christ," as written in the Bible, and forget that in essence they are people who have been resurrected, says a Christian counseling expert.

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'Legitimate Rape' Gaffe May Cost GOP Senate Control

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Obama America

'2016 – Obama's America' Succeeds at Box Office; Reports of Missing Listings?

By Alex Murashko

Amid reports that some newspapers had been withholding theater locations and times for the movie "2016 – Obama's America," the documentary-style look at Barack Obama's life as it pertains to his worldview is bringing in high box office numbers. The number of theaters in the U.S. showing the movie jumps from 160 to 700 this coming weekend.

Madonna is being sued for millions in Russia after she performed in Moscow and advocated homosexuality.

Bishop T.D. Jakes, who is also the CEO of a film and entertainment company, has high hopes that his movie "Sparkle" that opened Friday will be viewed by others as he calls it – a cinematic extravaganza.

The actor Kirk Cameron has voiced his official endorsement of Roy Moore, also known as "the Ten Commandments judge," who is currently running for chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

At the film's outset, it is clear that conservative activist Dinesh D'Souza wants to get inside the head of President Barack Obama perhaps like no one else ever has in the making of the fast-paced, documentary-style "2016 – Obama's America."


Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins Labeled a 'Snob' for Declining Religious Debate in Scotland

By Stoyan Zaimov

A Scottish Church leader has labeled evolutionary biologist and famed atheist Richard Dawkins a "snob" over his decision to turn down a debate on religion. Dawkins has refused a debate invitation for the faith-themed Faclan Hebridean Book Festival in Scotland in November.

There are disturbing reports coming out of Egypt that hardline Muslim Brotherhood supporters are crucifying opponents of President Mohammed Morsi, creating a panic within religious minority communities.

As violence against Christian minorities continues in Mosul, Iraq, Carl Moeller of Open Doors USA worries that the U.S. has turned its focus away from these persecuted Christians, as the U.S. no longer has a military presence in the Middle Eastern country.

Moscow has attempted to defend traditional conceptions of sexuality by banning gay pride events in the city for the next 100 years.

Pakistan's human rights body strongly condemned on Monday the arrest of an 11-year-old Christian girl with Down syndrome after she was accused of "blasphemy." Tensions have compelled around 600 Christians to flee the area.

Propping Up Corporate America

By Ken Connor

Conservatives are quick to criticize public welfare for the poor. But they should be no less vehement in their opposition to corporate welfare, a form of welfare that is running rampant while the taxpayers of our country are dying a slow death of a thousand payouts.


Back to School: 3 Crucial Reminders for Christian Teens

By Greg Stier

high school

You are not just at school to go to school. As a Christian you are at school to go on a mission trip. Every teen-filled table in the school cafeteria is a mission field that needs reached with the good news of Jesus.


What's Your City's Smut Ranking?

By Rev. Mark H. Creech

Mark Creech

Some erroneously maintain the First Amendment of the Constitution protects porn as freedom of expression. But that's just untrue. Despite the fact the Department of Justice is doing nothing to enforce obscenity laws, it's really a crime. Every Christian should be deeply concerned about the spread of the smut enterprise.


The God Particle: Not the God of the Gaps, But the Whole Show

By John C. Lennox

A graphic showing a collision at full power is pictured at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experience control room of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin, near Geneva March 30, 2010.

The recent verification (to within a whisker) of Peter Higgs's prediction made in the teeth of weighty skepticism is rightly celebrated as the inspiring stuff of which great science is made — the payoff for the intellectual commitment and scientific prowess of a dedicated international team of specialists working for many years.


Walking the Talk on Marriage

By Karen Gushta


In spite of the efforts of the political left to make same-sex "marriage" a political issue, it remains a deeply moral issue—one that we as Christians must not back away from, even if it means becoming the brunt of personal attacks.


Archaeology and the Bible

By Eric Metaxas

This mosaic of the biblical character Samson was found during an archaeological dig at the ancient village of Huqoq in Israel.

Israeli archaeologists recently discovered a coin, dating from the 11th century before Christ. It depicted "a man with long hair fighting a large animal with a feline tail." They see the coin as proof that stories about a Samson-like man existed independently of the Bible.


Older Workers: Overqualified, Over-the-Hill or Overflowing With Assets?

By June Hunt

June Hunt

From the age of 65 until he reaches 75, Colonel Harland Sanders oversees the growth of his Kentucky Fried Chicken – from one restaurant in a small Kentucky town, to over 600 restaurants across the United States and Canada. Col. Sanders doesn't allow his advanced age to hold him back. On the contrary, experience, hard work and vision propel him to sizzling success.


The Taste of Hate: Chick-Fil-A and the Numbing Down of Culture

By Wallace Henley

wallace henley

Equating Cathy's position with Page's or Breivik's trivializes the concept of hate, blunts and diffuses its meaning. Put a pinch too much salt on a boiled egg and even the little bit bites. Diffuse the same pinch on the Pacific Ocean and the salt loses its saltiness, to paraphrase Jesus.


Deferred Action Status for Young Immigrants Only a Band-Aid

By Matthew Soerens


This week, thousands of young immigrants will file paperwork to request "Deferred Action" status from the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services under a new Obama Administration policy applying to certain undocumented individuals who entered the U.S. as children.


Why I Believe Most Marriages Fail

By Perry Noble


The statistics are staggering…no matter where you look either inside or outside of the church … marriages are in trouble. I've seen SO many dating and newly married couples that make it a priority to pursue romance and intimacy with each other but then, "life happens."


How to Be Good and Angry

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

Tom and Jim are two angry men whose lives are radically different, and whose angers produce radically different results. Tom is angry because he wants to be God, so he has reduced everything in his life down to the size of his little kingdom of one. His anger is leaving a legacy of fear, hurt, and separation. But Jim's anger honors God by putting God and his kingdom in their rightful place. Jim's anger is leaving a ministry legacy of love, compassion, provision, and healing.


Christianity Today Writer Is Founder of a Company Fined for Deceptive Business Practices; With Child Porn Ties

By Katherine T. Phan


The co-author of a recent Christianity Today article is one of the founders of Zango, a company fined by the FTC for unfair and deceptive business practices, including lax distribution of software that furthered child pornography. The Christianity Today article was co-written by Ted Olsen and Ken Smith, who founded 180solutions (which later became Zango), a company with software that had been "distributed in conjunction with child pornography," according to documents obtained by The Christian Post.


Ask the 'Jewish God' to Enlighten You

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

The "Jewish God" is the one true God. He always has been, and always will be. By the term "Jewish God," I am not talking about a definition of "God" that most Jews would endorse. I mean something different. I mean the "Jewish God" of both the Old and New Testaments as revealed to us in Scripture.


Pat Robertson vs. the Spirit of Adoption

By Russell D. Moore

Pat Robertson appears with "The 700 Club" co-host Terry Meeuwsen during the Jan. 3, 2011, airing of the program.

I had promised never to mention Pat Robertson here again. Every few months he says some crazy scandalous thing. Let me just say this bluntly. This is not just a statement we ought to disagree with. This is of the devil.


Romney's Bold Pick

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

Governor Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate has reshaped the entire presidential campaign. In selecting Ryan, he has made this election a big election about big issues, the future economic direction of the country, and how substantial a role the federal government will play in Americans' daily lives in the future.


Overcoming Hate With Love

By Jerry Newcombe


Hopefully, Wednesday's shooting incident is not the beginning of some new trend. But historically, persecution often follows effective Gospel work. How are we to respond? Love is the key to overcoming hate.


Don't Slap Christ's Wife

By Greg Stier


The church is the wife of Christ. He sacrificed his own life to redeem her. He is returning someday to claim her. According to Revelation 19:9 we all will celebrate the "Wedding supper of the Lamb" with Jesus someday and what an awesome occasion that will be! So, in the meantime, don't slap, mock or treat the bride of Christ with disrespect.


5 Reasons Why God Calls Us to Wait

By Paul Tripp


In ministry you will be both called to wait and also find waiting personally and corporately difficult. So it is important to recognize that there are lots of good reasons why waiting is not merely inescapable but necessary and helpful. Here are a few of those reasons.


Turning Values Into Hate

By Dr. Tony Beam

Dr. Tony Beam

What is hate speech? Does it fall into the category of "I can't define it but I know when I hear it?" Most thinking Americans can tell the difference between speech that is simply expressing a positive point of view and speech that is poisoned with the venom of hatred.


Education Policy Expert on Threat of Common Core Standards to Homeschoolers

By CP Reader


Good reason exists to believe that both home- and private-schooling will be adversely affected if the Common Core national standards continue to morph into a national K-12 curriculum.


Don't Drink the Haterade

By Miles McPherson

miles mcpherson

You probably don't have to think very hard to conjure up an image of someone in your life who can be classified as a hater.


Can You Be a Christian and Have a Political Opinion?

By Perry Noble

flag, cross

It makes some people nervous that I am a pastor AND that I have a political opinion. I've heard the argument that Christians are too political…and that if you are a Christian then you should not express your political opinion.


Good News for Bad Preachers

By Russell D. Moore

russell d. moore

I received an email from a young minister who is discouraged. He's just starting out in ministry, and says his preaching is terrible. He's trying to improve, but is just starting out, and is mediocre. Here's what I think. Your first few sermons are always terrible, no matter who you are.


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